Lament for the language
[rant] Why do people bother shortening everything into SMS language? I understand if you're actually spelling it in a short form when you're using SMS, but when you actually have the space for it, why bother? It's so much trouble - first, the writer has to shift from full-text gear to short-form gear in order to encode the message, and then the reader has to do the decoding. And not everyone encodes the messages in the same way, and there are different conventions for different short-forms, so it's all very confusing and WHY CAN'T PEOPLE JUST WRITE PLAIN ENGLISH ANYWAY?!?
It's not like everyone has a good grasp of the English language in our country - can you imagine shortening Singlish into SMS language? Nobody else in the world would be able to crack the codes - perhaps the MFA and MINDEF should look into using this as a baseline for future military encryption. "Fire locket ah. Mk sure aim ploply."
You know who the worst culprits are? The people who mix SMS-language with uPpEr n LoWeR CaSe SpElLing aNd tHoSe wHo addz a "z" toz eVeRyThInGz tAtz tHeYz wRiTez. Why, oh why bother at all? It's like your left hand suddenly suffered from uncontrollable spasms and went on a sudden press-the-shift-key rampage which you could not control. If you're not suffering from epilepsy (which is not a funny illness, and I'm not making fun of it), you should not be wRiTiNgzz lyKez dIsZ.
It's not like I don't admire these people who write SMS-language - if you're able to switch from one text to another, bully for you. But the abuse of the language is killing me. I occasionally read blog posts, and my skin crawls. I'm not asking for Shakespeare, I'm not asking for Milton, I'm not even asking for John Grisham or Dan Brown. Just write full, proper sentences. Completely spelled out properly. With punctuation. And capitalisation. And - in for a penny, in for a pound - familiarise yourselves with the concept of the PARAGRAPH, if you're writing something long. [/rant]
I appeal to you. Please.
[Lament for the language]
Sngs Alumni @ 12.5.06 { 0 comments }
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