Musée d'Orsay
When I was in Paris, I had only ONE FULL DAY to do everything I wanted to do. Mark P, my friend who was with me, wanted to do stupid decadent stuff like go to Fragonard and go to some other shopping haunt. I made him choose three places, and I chose three places, and we were both happy. My three were: The Lourve, Musée Rodin and Musée d'Orsay.
I was disappointed with the Lourve (too much, too massive, and too impersonal), but very enchanted with Musée Rodin because it featured quite a number of Degas sculptures, but Musée d'Orsay captured my attention because it contained one of my favourite art pieces of all time, "The Wheelbarrow", or La Brouette, verger (literally, 'wheelbarrow, orchard'.)
 Voila. C'est ça. Camille Pissarro. The Wheelbarrow. c. 1881. Oil on canvas. Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France.
However, I am shocked and appalled that I have only just realised that I missed their clock! And to think that I did such careful planning too! Not careful enough, apparently, because I completely missed a great photo opportunity.
 Oh man. Look at that. And to think I was THERE, in that same BUILDING, and missed that. I remember Mark P. rushing me though, so I'm going to pin the blame on him. I think he was just bored with Paris, since he's a Londoner - but hello? I flew 15 hours to miss out on that? *kicks self*
[Musée d'Orsay]
Sngs Alumni @ 27.6.06 { 0 comments }
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