My 21 things list, finally
Rie and Mich, my list is finally done... voilà.
1. I swam/ran my first biathlon. I will keep this up, despite swearing to Stan and WL after the finish line that I wasn't going to. 2. I started debate coaching and realised that like 'rie says, it's in my blood. I may not be that great at it, but hot-damn, it sends my pulse racing and my blood pumping, and I'd better stop before this becomes pornographic. 3. Completely non-drawing me picked up drawing. With pencils and charcoal. Went for classes at NAFA even. Consequently bought an easel. And wood backing boards. All four of them. 4. I visited Jalan Besar looking for wood shops so that I could do art. I love the place. 5. I dived. This looks set to be a very important part of my life from now on. I love it, love it, love it, and I am now officially a dive junkie. 6. I've realised how much I love some of my friends, which shocks me. I am a person who loves deeply, but I never really take the time to examine the depth of my affection for some of my friends. Certain circumstances forced my introspection, and again, the depth of this revelation surprises me. 7. I have been told that I am plump. I'm not particularly conscious about this normally, and do the nominal whinging about weight and everything, but seriously man, there are other things to think about! 8. I got my first (express) pedicure ever. I think the express is not worth the money, so I aim to try the full thing sometime soon. 9. I got kicked out of school. (Long story, part my fault, but I'm mostly stymied by bad bureaucracy and an unforgiving person.) They threw me out to the pavement on my ass and slammed the door in my face without so much as a 'by your leave'... ahem. A lot of bitterness there. I have the option of transferring, but even that is a half-failed enterprise since I can only go back in July 2007. 10. Watched my first reality tv show - So You Think You Can Dance - and loved it. The dancing appeals to me more than people singing, although Simon Cowell has the sexy British accent thing going for him. Hmm. :) 11. I have designed more print items and developed websites than I have ever done before. Mostly without pay (sigh.) 12. I have written more than I have ever done before. No, I'm not sharing. 13. I have eaten more prata in the last 6 months than the time that I was staying in PGP and could walk back from Fong Seng. But that's only cos Mich is moving out!!! *wails* 14. I rediscovered again how deep God truly, truly loves me, and how He knows EVERYTHING. Everything. 15. I have read less than I would like. I need to start reading again. It used to come so naturally to me - voraciously devouring book after book after book from the library. I still get a kick out of being the only person to check out Lord of The Rings when I was 15... and am proud to say that I was teased for reading a book three inches thick. Look who's thick now, suckers! 16. I bought my Taylor. 'nuff said. *gleeful* 17. Bought calf-length boots. *gleeful x2* 18. Oh man, four more to go... uh... OH YEAH! I joined a gym! After it was pimped by Rie and Jolie, and it was fantastic, with lovely watering-can showers, with two towels, and amazing studios in the heart of the city. Thank goodness I signed up for a one month trial package, for THREE DAYS after my trial ended, the whole thing went belly-up and closed shop. 19. I have come to realise that I have reached a plateau with most of my nonsense instrument learning (like guitar, piano, harmonica, bass guit), and I really do need to pick up music again. Seriously pick it up again, with tau-geh and time siggys and bars (of the vertical-line kind). If I don't, I'll never go anywhere else but where I am now. I need to learn my tau gehs. 20. I have opened and attempted to repair an iPod, unfortunately unsuccessfully. Not really my fault - I managed to isolate the problem (motherboard failure), but the iPod could not be re-started. I did manage to salvage the HDD though, which is still worth 20GB of space, although a 1.8" HDD casing was quite hard to find in Sim Lim, since it's not exactly very popular. 21. I was very excited to buy a set of "star-head" screwdrivers. Not very common, these are screwdrivers which really have a STAR at the tip. A lot of older model PDAs use this sort of screw, and I was trying to fix my father's old iPaq when I realised that I needed more specialised equipment. Hence the immediate purchase when I found it. (No, smart alecks, they're NOT Allen-Key. I'm not an idiot.)
ETA: Oh, and I tag NOBODY, NADA, and NYET. :)
[My 21 things list, finally]
Sngs Alumni @ 27.6.06 { 0 comments }