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jeudi, juin 29, 2006

 The School Saga in (more than) Ten Points (cos I cheated)

1) I run MIA for about 5 months due to problems and some laziness on my part, and I am late with the thesis first year report. They stop my stipend. Fair enough. (March 2006)

2) My sup tells me to re-do my draft, and gives me a shelling for doing a crap job (not really fair, I think I did okay.)

3) I take a month and really rehaul the entire thing, hand it up. I hear nothing from my sup. (April 2006)

4) Head of Grad Studies calls me in, and tells me I've lost my scholarship. (May 2006.) Fair enough. I ask if I can continue studying, and he says yes, my candidature is still intact. Oh well, pay lor. He tells me I should apologise to my sup for being MIA for so long, and for the shoddy work. I guess I can grovel, and since he's away in Australia being an important visiting professor, I grovel in an email.

5) He takes two weeks to reply (in which I was working on refining my thesis), and tells me "I have checked with the school, and they have cancelled your candidacy." Reading between the lines, it goes something like this: "I recommended that you be kicked out on yo' ass, bitch!"

6) I panic and go to the Head of Grad Studies, who's away. I head to the Grad Studies Office, and the secretary tells me, "Yah, your supervisor changed his mind." My world unravels. I have THREE years to finish this f'ing programme, and I'm not even halfway through!

7) I finally speak to the Head of Grad Studies, and he says, "Yes, your supervisor changed his mind." And he tells me that my supervisor had told him that I had done the following things.

(a) He accused me of plagiarising MYSELF by using material from an older essay, which though I did CONSULT, I did NOT lift (how stupid do you think I am?!) I KNOW that you cannot plagiarise yourself (for reasons which are stupid, but okay I'll just follow), so do you THINK that I would do such a thing?! How stupid do you think I am?!

(b) He told this other Head of Grad Studies that I had handed in an old PHYSICAL copy of Chapter 1, which he alleged had already been scribbled on (he accused me of this in person, to which I was flabbergasted and completely bewildered, because THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE as (i)I still own EVERY SINGLE COPY of EVERY SINGLE DRAFT that he scribbled on and returned to me, and (ii) I made sure that I print FRESH COPIES ALL THE TIME, killing trees merrily, and (iii) again - how stupid do you think I am?!?

(c) He also said that I had worked for the school during Jan - Mar, when I was apparently MIA from him. He feels that I should not have been working for the school when I was behind time in my report already. I have to give this one to him - I ADMIT THAT I WAS WRONG IN NOT CONTACTING HIM. The work though, is a misinterpretation of the school rules. I am technically supposed to give The School 10 hours every week, and whether or not I get paid is up to the school. I had worked for the school as a Teaching Assistant (TA) last year, and was paid $40 an hour. This year, two professors approached me and asked me to do different things, to which I agreed to, even though it paid $10 an hour. I *thought* I was fulfilling the Research Scholar criteria. I WAS WRONG.

Apparently, being contacted by Professors isn't the same as being contacted by The School. Last year, I was apparently contacted by The School. I remember corresponding only with the Professor in question though, and all admin went through her. The same thing happened this year, except that apparently, this is Not The Same, because The School has said so. I don't know what the difference is, except perhaps $30. So next time (if there even IS a "next time"), I'll DEMAND more pay.

(d) He said that I had ONLY done two modules. There are two things wrong with this: I had done THREE, and I had done three only AFTER CONSULTING WITH HIM. He's the one who went "I don't think you need to do any of these other courses as I do not think you need them." Now I'm crucified for listening to him?

In case you've just lost your way in that long rant, I'm now with the Head of Grad Studies, who has just told me that yes, my sup has changed his mind about letting me stay on in the programme. I ask him then, can I put in for a transfer into the parallel COURSEWORK programme, which is almost the same as the RESEARCH programme I'm on, except that they do more modules? He tells me yes, it's been done before, should be no problem, talk to the Head of Grad Studies (Coursework).

(8) Head of Grad Studies (Coursework) is away visiting home, so I email him. He says yes, please put in the transfer, but you'll have to re-apply as a fresh student, despite the fact that I'm already matriculated and IN the school. I say 'thank you', and 'ok', I'll jump through the administrative hoops and fill up your ten thousand forms in triplicate.

(9) I email him again and ask him when can I be admitted, and he tells me that I've missed this year (AY2006/7) admissions, so I'll have to be admitted in July 2007. Bang! Another door slams shut in my face, and I wearily pack my bags and leave The School, too tired to fight about anything anymore.

(10) NEWEST UPDATE: A few days ago, I check my school mail, and hmm, what's that? An email asking me to send in my application form ASAP if I want to be transferred to the Coursework Programme? I email this Coursework secretary and ask about the admission date, and she replies (almost in surprise), "For AY2006/7." Huh? I thought I couldn't be admitted this year?

I am very tired. Some people have told me to fight, some people have told me to get a fair hearing, but look at the administration that I'm up against. Look at the nonsense I've been through. I've been up and down and up and down, and now it looks like the situation can still be saved - except for the fact that I've spent the last month getting out of the whole "school-mode" and into the "I've got to work" mode, and NOW they send me stupid forms.

I'm sorry kids, I really tried. But this whole enterprise seems rather doomed. The School is like a bastard boyfriend - abuse, letdowns, miscarriages, false promises, nonsensical accusations, erratic behaviour, break-up, make-up, break-up, make-up, break-up, etc. After one and a half years, I'm done.

Though I'm not throwing in the towel. I'm keeping it as a souvenir.

So that's my story, kids. I hope I didn't bore you to death. Remember my tale when you decide to venture out into the scary world of postgraduate studies. And then think carefully about where you want to go.

addendum: Yes, I sent in the form, just to see what would happen.

[The School Saga in (more than) Ten Points (cos I cheated)]
Sngs Alumni @ 29.6.06 { 0 comments }


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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