Show me the muuneh: a baker's dozen
Look, if you've got a mac, and you're evangelising the mac to me, telling me why it's so great, and why it's fantastic, and how it's got so many features, answer me a few questions.
(1) Have you ever edited video on YOUR mac? (2) Have you ever edited sound on YOUR mac? (3) Do you have Photoshop installed in YOUR mac? (4) Do you use Photoshop EVERY DAY on YOUR mac? (5) How about Dreamweaver? Installed? (6) Use it everyday? (7) Do you know what ID3 tags are? (8) Do you know how to change the bit-rate rip of your CD? (9) Have you been online for more than 12 years? (10) Have you had more than two laptops? (11) Have you successfully programmed a complex (i.e. >5MB file size) visual basic application on your PC emulator? (12) Have you ever used YOUR mac to write music in notation form? (13) Can your mac sync with a keyboard to directly translate notes being played into scores?
You're only allowed to evangelise mac to me if you've said YES to ALL THIRTEEN OF THESE QUESTIONS. If not, you have NO idea what you're talking about when you say that the mac is better than a PC. 'Cause the way I look at it, my PC runs circles around your pretty block of plastic anyday.
[Show me the muuneh: a baker's dozen]
Sngs Alumni @ 27.6.06 { 0 comments }