Blonde moment in time: Dear Mr. Klinsmann
 No, no, no, whyyyyyy??? The German performance was bloody exciting to watch during this World Cup (where have the mercedes-manufactured robots gotten to?), but you were the cherry on top of the huge sticky chewy chocolate sundae, so why are you leaving me in the lurch now???
If you end up coaching the USA team, they'd better get to the finals so that you'll have some screen time. I'm certainly NOT going to waste my time watching the screens for Joachim Loew! I mean, just LOOK at him!!! Scruffy and with hair that looks unwashed and unkempt, who's going to bother with the German team now, may I ask???
I apologise for this sudden surge of estrogen; I'm having this completely bimbotic breakdown after reading the news about him not taking up the post of German coach for the next world cup, leaving this... this... shaggy dog to take over. I mean, just LOOK at both of them:
 ---  Beauty and the Beng. *sniff* [/blonde moment]
[Blonde moment in time: Dear Mr. Klinsmann]
Sngs Alumni @ 12.7.06 { 0 comments }