Poverty on Orchard Road
by LMA, for The World Bank
Imagine you're taking a stroll along Orchard Road. You walk into Borders to buy a book, amble along to Starbucks and get that frappachino, gawk at Zara's new range... then stare straight into the face of poverty. Think that Orchard Road and poverty make strange bedfellows? Let me tell you why: the World Bank's got a photo exhibition on poverty right outside Liat Towers.
Titled "Imagine A World Without Poverty", there are 50 pictures in all, each photo telling a million tales of the types of impoverishment which exist around the developing world today. Did you know that it [insert factoid]. I didn't. In Singapore it only [factoid]. Did you know that [factoid]? I didn't. In Singapore, it [factoid].
"We want to give a face to the problems of poverty," said Peter L. Stephens (World Bank Regional Communications Manager), when asked about the impetus behind the month-long exhibition. The panels will be up from the 4th to the 30th of September, and visitors to the exhibition tent can speak to World Bank docent volunteers, as well as pick up informational pamphlets about the World Bank (including a really nifty set of 4 mangas on development issues, and various atlases for free!)
The exhibition is part of a series of lead-up events organised by the World Bank to coincide with the IMF-World Bank Board of Governors Annual Meetings.
Libellés : humanitarian, writing
[Poverty on Orchard Road]
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