Work is fun V: Beauty in Singapore

Have I mentioned that I'm staying in a hotel? I'm staying in a hotel for the duration of the meetings, which is slightly bizarre because I associate hotels with the strange and the foreign, and yet everything is so familiar to me. I either take a bus to Suntec in the mornings, or if I've missed the bus, I walk there. Along the way is the old St Josephs' Institution, which has been (like everything else) spruced up for the Meetings. Despite the slight distaste at how quickly the mess in front of SJI had been cleared up just for the meetings (after the eyesore had remained untouched for the last year or so), I cannot deny the beauty of the sculpture that's been put up on the lawn in front of it. I don't know what it's called (I privately refer to it as "the tissue paper" in my head), but it looks lovely. Perched very precariously on a "tip", it floats. The smooth lines of the structure, coupled with the way that it has been placed, suggest movement, and yet fragility. This is reinforced by a sign in front of it on the lawn, which states something like "do not touch the structure as it is extremely delicate," or something similar.
[Work is fun V: Beauty in Singapore]
Sngs Alumni @ 18.9.06 { 0 comments }