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mardi, novembre 21, 2006

 I hate guys who think they can get away with it

I hate guys who try to molest you on the bus. I got on the 980, and was sitting on the aisle seat, and this guy was seated in his window seat, perfectly awake. I got on at the Little India bus stop, and somewhere along the KK Hospital stop, he suddenly became very sleepy. I was sleepy as well, because it was a really, really long day today - so I didn't realise that his whole body had gotten quite loose-limbed.

Somewhere around Novena Square, I realised that his head was very loose, and rolling around his shoulders. I know that sometimes when you're tired, you fall asleep and your whole body gets loose and rolls around. However, if you're in the window seat, you generally tend to lean against the window/frame right? Or at least, brace your shoulder on it so that you won't end up sleeping on your seat partner's shoulder.

This guy started leaning towards me, and so I generally edged away from him when he did that. He would occasionally "wake up" and flex his fingers, but there was absolutely no attempt to move away from the edge of my seat and lean towards the window. So he continued his rolling, and I continued to edge away from his seat, until his head just kept invading my personal/private space over and over. No attempt to "wake" himself up now.

The final straw came when his hand "accidentally" fell onto the seat beside my knee/thigh. I turned to his ear (which was RIGHT BESIDE MY MOUTH as I turned), and SHOUTED "HEY!" at him - twice.

For those of you who don't know me, when I shout, I really Shout, so this was not a minor shout.

But this bastard, after two such "HEY!" shouts, was still sleeping, so I hit his shoulder, and then shoved rest of his body back into his side of the shared seat.

For those of you who don't know me, when I hit guys, it's an affectionate gesture, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

I hit this guy's shoulder and pushed him off, and then only he started to "come around", pretending to "wake up".

What really got my goat was that he looked at me and said very quietly, challenging me - "What."

I just told him very loudly for him to stay in his seat, and that he was sleeping. He just looked at me, shifted a little, and then turned away, while everyone was staring at him.

I didn't know if he was going to be one of those vindictive bitches who follows you home and harasses you for humiliating him in public, so I got off the bus when it came to Sin Ming and changed buses.

This whole incident made me really angry - I might have hauled him to the police station if I had the energy, but I really don't, so I didn't. It made me angry because I think, were I to haul this guy's ass to a police station and report him for molest, I don't have a case.

I think the molest has to actually occur before the police report can be made - which is absolute crap, of course. In the meantime, all women will just have to suffer through many, many near-molests by perverts and sickos. So much for equality.

Too damned angry/sleepy to edit this post. I hate men. And this coming just after meeting some nice guys at weddings!

[I hate guys who think they can get away with it]
Sngs Alumni @ 21.11.06 { 0 comments }


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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