Have I gushed about my church youth decor team yet? I haven't, and I find that this lack must be rectified immediately.
They've been wonderful - working out of the extremely hot and only semi-sheltered 5th floor rooftop, using paintbrushes that could possibly be older than them, and making use of paints and poster colours which have been inherited from the first childrens' camp back in 2004! It's amazing what they've done already (regular progress reports are posted on the blog), but my heart fairly bursts with pride when I see things like this:
This photograph, ladies and gentlemen, depicts fun and responsibility rolled in one. The riotous colours from the painting of crazy banners which make no sense when placed in the Singaporean context (moose and acorns?), coupled with the intertextual error "message" ... doesn't this look like a popup message on a computer screen?
I know I'm gushing, but I'm so proud of them! *feels old*
 When you're painting pictures which are measured not by drawing block, but by mahjong paper (MJ), you get comments and conversations that go like this:
Joel and Xav's polar bear. (2x MJ) It took two guys 30 minutes to finish painting it. Claws are painted wrongly also.
Xav: "Haha! It's a dirty polar bear!" Joel: "Ya lor! Ya lor!" Xav: "Paint the nose red leh, Arctic very cold, so it caught a cold." Joel and SX : "=.= "
I love these people!
Sngs Alumni @ 3.11.06 { 0 comments }
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