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mardi, janvier 02, 2007

 2006: A Year of Blessings Recounted

Ladies and Gentlemen,
this is my 1,000
th post.

It's probably nothing much to people who post three or four times a day, but it's still a fun accomplishment in my book - this blog seeing me through honours year, my first job, the hell that was the start of my masters degree, and now through my extremely fun (but poverty-stricken) life... and the event is all the more felicitous because there's the occasion of the start of the new year to mark the happy occasion.

Given that it's the passing of the old and marking the entrance of the new, I thought it would be good to recap the blessings that God has given to me in the year 2006. I would like to number it to 1000, but I'm settling for a dozen or so, as far as my memory goes...

For the year 2006, my blessings that I thank my Lord Jesus for:
1) That my mother recovered completely from a rather delicate procedure which could have left her without a voice; without the procedure she might have developed cancer - praise God for her full and complete recovery!
2) That both my parents are in relatively good health for their age. Still walking and driving and having all their teeth.
3) That my father has finally made a career move that has removed an unhappy point of contention in his life.
4) That my brother is showing signs of communicating a little bit more with the family.
5) That I was kicked out of grad school for brainless reasons, without which I could not bitch so much about how irrational this particular school is, and without which I could also not bitch about how other schools far, far outstrip this particular school in terms of professional conduct and administration.
6) That I was readmitted into this same particular school, so I can finish my masters without too many problems hindering me.
7) That I found a really cool job which allows me access to people I've never had access to before, and which allowed me to be part of a very large event which was very fun and very rewarding.
8) That I was able to shift about my time to take part in this year's CEC2006.
9) That my grades were surprisingly good for someone who basically only studied about five full days of the whole semester.
10) That I managed to get a very cool phone to replace the old one which everyone had a problem with because it was either (a) too old school, (b) too masculine, (c) too uncool, (d) too low resolution to take pictures with.
11) That I managed to do and complete two marathons - the bi-lite for the NUS biathlon 2006, and the 10km StanChart 2006, which actually crosses off an item on my "things to do before I die" list.
12) That I survived a 1.5 essay semester relatively intact - 1.5 because one of the essays was a joint one. But the other one that I had to do myself, I completed in 1.5 days. I was rather stressed out about that one because I thought I had gone off-topic, but I haven't collected the paper back yet because it's stuck in school with the secretary...
13) That I've met some really interesting people in 2006, people who could be friends for life.
14) That I've learnt some important lessons about myself and about life: that my life is in God's hands, and He will do with me what He will, no matter what my plans are. More plans have been thwarted this year than I care to think about, and more of God's plans for me are in action that I dare to dream about.
15) That there are people who really do care deeply about me, and love me very much despite my flaws.
16) That I have a rather amazing capacity to love people - something I've always doubted about my cynical self.
17) That I was taught the lesson of patience: to have the patience to see God's plan unfold.
18) That I was taught how to be wary of people whom I should be wary about: prudence is the key to this, I think.
19) That I learnt how to trust my instincts more, for they are almost always right.
20) That I travelled to Vietnam for a very challenging MT: waking up every day at 4am to pray, living with a pestilence, and on the brink of arrest for 5 days.
21) That the young adults have finally, finally, finally pulled together in one mighty row, and formed a cell group, which I have always wanted for the past 6 years.
22) That the trbc youth are coming together more often for joint activities; one christ, one body - that's the way it should be, and that's the way we're shaping up to be. Here's to more joint activities without fuddy-duddies inhibiting our thoughts and creativity!

God's been very good to me this year past.


[2006: A Year of Blessings Recounted]
Sngs Alumni @ 2.1.07 { 0 comments }


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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