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I occasionally wonder (and will continue to suffer these occasional crises of being) if I should make the effort to pen down my thoughts on Things That Matter, like things that happen in the news and politics and my philosophy on life et al. Especially when I (ahem) go slightly insane over certain things... like, say FOR EXAMPLE, THIS IS COMPLETELY HYPOTHETHICAL, OF COURSE, large Singapore soccer matches, which just make everything on this blog look so completely banal.
This fear of bring (mistakenly) perceived as a banal person (popular, boring, cliched, everyday, humdrum, tired, and OMG common) wars with my pride and need to be seen as smart (or at least, having some modicum of intelligence above the average joe.) Thank God, by the time I reach this point in logic, some semblance of sense would have returned to me, and I am immediately transported to the "So what?" point next. Which rocks, I suppose.
Deep thoughts are private, and blogs are public. Why should my opinions be inflicted on an unsuspecting (and undeserving) general public? Should my trust not be earned for me to tell you certain things? Must I utilise this unruly medium to exercise my right to "free speech" just because I can? I've said it before: I'd feel too naked, and worse, I'd feel like a hypocrite since I rarely articulate philosophy in person. My philosophy on philosophy: it's meant to be lived, and everyone lives in a state of contradiction.
Ain't life just a kick in the pants?
[Would you like clothes with that?]
Sngs Alumni @ 31.1.07 { 0 comments }
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