I don't care anymore
I've had a pretty shitty week, which included:
1) me having to re-do a term paper after it was deleted by a Word system error ON THE NIGHT THAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HANDED UP (which has NEVER happened before);
2) me offering to give a ride to my friend to school for exam, only to have her decide on the day itself to take a cab there instead, which resulted in me waiting for her till the last moment to leave, getting stuck in a massive traffic jam as a result, and being the last person in the exam hall - you know, the one everyone was waiting for (thus reinforcing my mother's oft-stated reminder not to bother giving anyone rides anywhere because 好心没好报);
3) me being given a WRONG data set for a statistics examination, resulting in what was a confirmed-score-full-marks A paper turning into a I-hope-I-pass paper because of my teacher's incompetence - and I studied so hard for statistics that OMG I am a GENIUS, I swear;
4) not much of a positive response from the teacher when I requested grading leniency/consideration for HIS MISTAKE, and NO RESPONSE from the head of department;
5) an exam tomorrow which has no precedent papers to practice on.
Strangely enough, I don't feel down in the dumps about it. I just don't seem to care about this anymore. And I'm almost worried about not caring. Almost.
But for now, I just... don't.Libellés : personal, school
[I don't care anymore]
Sngs Alumni @ 26.4.07 { 0 comments }