Teen Flicks
As Ron will attest to, I have a weak spot for teen chick flicks. The merchandising department invariably picks a fair selection of pop, emo and evocative songs for their soundtrack, and I cheerfully admit that it's sometimes nice to have a bunch of pre-selected songs to listen to in the car - see, for eg, Romeo+Juliet, High School Musical, 10 Things I Hate About You, Grease, and A Cinderella Story.
I'll Be - Edwin Mccain The strands in your eyes that colour them wonderful / Stop me and steal my breath / Emeralds from mountains thrust toward the sky / Never revealing their depth / Tell me that we belong together / Dress it up with the trappings of love / I'll be captivatedI'll hang from your lips /Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from aboveI'll be your crying shoulder / I'll be love's suicide / and I'll be better when I'm older / I'll be the greatest fan of your lifeAnd rain falls angry on the tin roof / As we lie awake in my bed / You're my survival, you're my living proof / My love is alive not dead / Tell me that we belong together / Dress it up with the trappings of love / I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips / Instead of the gallows of heartache, that hang from aboveI've been dropped out, burned up, fought my way back from the dead / Tuned in, turned on / Remembered the things that you said I'll be your crying shoulder / I'll be love's suicide / and I'll be better when I'm older / I'll be the greatest fan of your life Libellés : music
[Teen Flicks]
Sngs Alumni @ 19.4.07 { 0 comments }
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