It's Oh So Quiet
Shhhh, Shhhh It's, oh, so quiet It's, oh, so still You're all alone And so peaceful ... Or so Bjork sang. Things are kind of busy with the mission trip to Cambodia coming up, which is taking up a little bit of time and energy to plan the programmes and such. But it's all good!
Things are also busy with UNYAS coming up and launching in August. Plenty to keep us busy till then as well, so long as we get registered soon! But it's all good.
Debate season is coming up! More information downloading is going to take place, when I have no time. I'm going to die juggling both things. But it's all good!
I'm mildly sick with a touch of the stomach flu. But it's all good!
And OMG, CAVIN AND JESS GAVE BIRTH! Mackenzie Koh was born in Seattle, USA, on the 31st of May 2007. She's gorgeous! It's bizzare and great though - this is a guy who used to tease me mercilessly about my pimples (he needles me about other things now), and OMG he's a daddy! CHERYL KOH! STOP COOKING! YOUR NIECE NEEDS A CHINESE NAME!

Left: Mackenzie Koh Right: Cavin and his "Big Mac" - that's what he threatened to nickname her. The entire family is ready to stage a protest and revolt if he does. I suggested "Little Zee", and am in danger of never visiting the family again. Libellés : personal, random
[It's Oh So Quiet]
Sngs Alumni @ 1.6.07 { 0 comments }