There was lots of Chinese memorisation that I did in St Nicks which I didn't completely understand, like learning the school song and the national pledge, as well as other random songs here and there. It's a testament to the power of the education that I got in that school that I am now slowly but surely rediscovering the little nuggets of "Chinese" which I absorbed like a sodden sponge - my Tang Dynasty poems (all five books of them!), the idiom dictionary that we literally had to study cover-to-cover from Sec 1 to Sec 4, and the songs.
A friend recently asked me for this song, which I couldn't find in my old songbooks, but I dug it up online... while trying to recall the lyrics for the Chinese (!!) google search (I'm slowly getting better at this), I realised that what I used to think was a cheesy "if" song is actually a really beautiful one which reminds us to praise God, whatever our situation in life is, using whatever God himself has given us.
╭╮ 3|50 53|60 32|10 21|30 1 若 我 是一 朵 路旁 的 小 花, 2 若 我 是一 隻 林中 的 雀 鳥, ╭───╮ 1|2.2 23|5 - 43|2--|2- 開 放 在 陽光 下 樂無 涯, 飛 躍 在 樹梢 間 多逍 遙, ╭╮ ╭╮ 3|50 53|60 32|10 21|30 我 要 活潑 地 吐 露 芬 芳, 我 要 盡情 地 歌 唱 讚 美, ╭───╮ 1|2.2 23|5 - 23|1--|1- 讓 人 知 造物 主 的偉 大。 讓 人 知 造物 主 的奇 妙。 ╭╮ . .╭╮ ╭╮ 1|6.667|1.176|5.532|1- 祂 既 不輕 忽 那小 花 的榮 華, 祂 既 不輕 忽 那雀 鳥 的曲 調, ╭╮ . . . . 1|6.667|1.171|2 7 6|5- 必 然 更將 我 的生命 看 為 可 誇。 必 然 更將 我 的生命 看 為 重 要, ╭╮ 3|50 53|60 32|10 21|30 若 我 是一 朵 路旁 的 小 花, 若 我 是一 隻 林中 的 雀 鳥, ╭───╮ 1|2.2 23|5- 23|1--|1-∥ 我 要 對 人說 主 的偉 大。 我 要 對 人說 主 的奇 妙。Libellés : christian, music, school
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