looking for baudrillard, boorstin, or eco?

dare to hope for what is good
instead of what is merely good enough.
Dead in sin | Saved by grace | Living in hope | Walking by faith | Surviving on a prayer

+ sola scriptura + sola gratia + solus Christus + sola fide + sola Deo gloria +

mardi, juin 05, 2007

 Off to Cambodia for a spell

Well beautiful people,

I'm off to Cambodia for a spell - 5-17th June 2007. The regular once-a-year mission trip, this time to Phnom Penh and Siem Reap (-ish), ministering to a secondary school and building partitions for a wall there.

If you wish to pray for me, you can of course!

If I've promised to email you, call you, meet up with you, send you minutes, send you pictures, send you death threats, send you spam - it'll have to wait till after the 17th, I'm so sorry. But you can leave a comment to remind me! My comment provider recently died, and now I have zero comments left... and my online soul shrivels at the thought of all that goodwill and love just LOST like that.

My phone's roaming, so if you feel like sending me a shoutout, please do! It's always nice to have home contact when you're away.

Today's verse of the day on biblegateway is pretty apt for my leave-taking:

“Therefore encourage one another and build
each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

If I don't come back because I've decided to stay there forever, know that I love you people!

AS 31/97 - keep staying antisocial... :-)

BMI people - Mich says keep away from her Vitamin B Complex pills, she needs them

Crusade people - everyone whom I know reads my blog is going with me on the trip...

Church people - enjoy church camp and take lots of pictures!

Everyone else - please remember:
Fruit and berries on strange planets either make you live or make you die. Therefore the point at which to start toying with them is when you're going to die if you don't. That way you stay ahead. The secret to healthy hitchhiking is to eat junk food. - HHG2G

A bientôt!

Libellés : , , , ,

[Off to Cambodia for a spell]
Sngs Alumni @ 5.6.07 { 1 comments }



We are publisher for avemag in Malaysia. "avesmag" is a non-paid periodical travel magazine where the objective is to inpsire people to travel. In our magazine, there is column on travel, places and foods.

Therfore, we would like to invite you to contribute your story either on food or travel and share it with us. I can provide you with more details information if you are interested.

Hope to hear from you.

Jackie Wong

By Anonymous Anonyme, at 20 juin 2007 à 10:49:00 UTC+8


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+ before i die +

Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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[lpsd 2003-2009.]