Countdown to 2008
(Photos are from the Eio camera.)
New years' eve was a hastily- organised affair which yours truly was assigned to look into. Thank goodness for online ordering - satay (and accoutrements), stingray, and chicken wings were ordered online, and the rest was easy to get from NTUC.
We nearly burned the church down - or something. Andy was supposed to get the BBQ pits, but he underestimated the heat from the coals, which melted the aluminium foil trays that he was using as the pits. Result? One burned church table. (!!! !!!)
The food was yummy though - after the initial sacrifices to the carbon god. Not many people came, either due to (1) other commitments to more funky countdown parties, or (2) too last minute. But there were enough people to finish the food, and enough people that it wasn't empty. All in all, it was a pretty good crowd size - not too few, not too many. Just nice.
After the cleanup, we all headed to United Square to play Monopoly (for no reason), but along the way, saw people on the overhead bridge. Realising that it was only 5 minutes away from the New Year, we went up to wait for the countdown as well - and managed to see the fireworks!
So that's where I spent the crossing over: atop the overhead bridge immediately outside United Square, looking at the fireworks with some of my cell group members. I think it was a fun way to spend New Years - without the massive crowd quotient.
Detour to the overhead bridge while headed to starbucks to play...
Monopoly! Winners in sequence: Michelle, Ming, May, Tim, Jem (I think.) Libellés : church
[Countdown to 2008]
Sngs Alumni @ 31.12.07 { 0 comments }
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