Microsoft Word Formatting for Your Thesis: A Guide
This post will continually be updated as I figure it out.
[Rule Numero Uno: Format before you start writing.]
And I mean, format everything. Put in:
a) Your starting page numbers (you know, the preface pages that have to be labelled with lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv etc). - To get the pages broken properly: use Section Break (Next Page) for this... path: INSERT > BREAK > SECTION BREAK - NEXT PAGE - To get the page numbers and titles done up (TBC)
b) Your chapter title, subtitle, sub-sub-title placeholders (if you go anywhere beyond three subs, you're on your own, pal.)
c) Your auto-generating table of contents (ToC), figures and tables. IMPT NOTE: MS WORD DOES NOT HAVE A FUNCTION FOR ABBREVIATIONS.
d) Your styles in order...
[tbc]Libellés : school
[Microsoft Word Formatting for Your Thesis: A Guide]
Sngs Alumni @ 19.1.08 { 1 comments }