On blogging: New performances on the Internet Broadway
All blogs are a performative space, in the same way that all publishing is performance. There is no such thing as the private word. All publishing is meant to be read. All publishing is performance. At the very least, there will be an audience of one, which is to say, that you perform (yourself) for yourself.
In this age where we move blog addresses as easily as we change clothes, it's been interesting to see how many of my friends view starting a new blog as a milestone marker for their lives. Friends who went away on exchange started blogs - then came back home, and (re)started/continued blogs which had already existed. Friends who have had massive changes in life seasons closed old blogs, and started new ones. Friends who have self-reflexively used their blogs as performance spaces (yes, I'm looking at you. You know who you are.)
The blog, as a neo-marker for identity shifts? Not that one changes over the period of a mouse-click, but rather, why the need to mark the changes in our life performances? Whither then, is identity? Whither integrity?
(In response to thoughts on moving to a new blog.)
[On blogging: New performances on the Internet Broadway]
Sngs Alumni @ 5.3.08 { 0 comments }