I am a law-abiding, carpark-paying, Singaporean driver now
Within two years: (1) Double Yellow Line - in some ULU ULU estate somewhere in Serangoon (-$70) (2) Expired carpark coupon - this one boh pian, I was held back at work and couldn't get away (-$80) (3) Driving in bus lane - waived honestly - because I had just turned out from somewhere, and everyone wasn't obeying the yellow-box rule, so I couldn't filter OUT of the bus lane! (could have been -$250) (4) Parking in front of fire hydrant - didn't see it, was really very dark, plus another car had just pulled out of the space! (-$70) (5) Parking on double-yellow zigzag line - okay, this one I did it intentionally and with full knowledge, and was just DAMN SUAY and this is the straw that broke the camel's back. (-$120 AND THREE (3) DEMERIT POINTS!!!)
I am a law-abiding, carpark-paying, Singaporean driver now. I think for my birthday this year, everyone should just give me a book or two of carpark coupons. Or cashcards - I only have one, and it's starting to look very burnt inside the car's IU... you know the sort? Part of it is brown from the sun's baking...Libellés : travel
[I am a law-abiding, carpark-paying, Singaporean driver now]
Sngs Alumni @ 26.6.08 { 1 comments }
So the fire hydrant parking summon is $70? This one is a real trap especially if there are no double yellow lines drawn beside the hydrant and only broken white lines on the middle of the road, which most people would assume that it is safe to park.
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