Absence - Jeffrey Daniels
On the scales of desire, your absence weighs more than someone else’s presence, so I say no thanks
to the woman who throws her girdle at my feet, as I drop a postcard in the mailbox and watch it
throb like a blue heart in the dark. Your eyes are so green – one of your parents must be
part traffic light. We’re both self-centered, but the world revolves around us at the same speed.
Last night I tossed and turned inside a thundercloud. This morning my sheets were covered in pollen.
I remember the long division of Saturday’s pomegranate, a thousand nebulae in your hair,
as soldiers marched by, dragging big army bags filled with water balloons, and we passed a lit match,
back and forth, between our lips, under an oak tree I had absolutely nothing to do with. Second part of the poem did not move me as much (interesting descriptions though, very hippie), but the first part resonated. Absence can weigh more than presence.Libellés : literature
[Absence - Jeffrey Daniels]
Sngs Alumni @ 24.6.09 { 0 comments }
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