The MACK's first road trip
This is a strange thing to say, but I felt extremely loved while driving up on my first Malaysian road trip to Batu Pahat. Andy, Matt, Uncle Andrew and Ming were all driving up, and they all made sure that everything was okay as we drove up in a five-car convoy. Andy leading the way, and Matt bringing up the rear (happily walkie-talkie-ing their way up, I'll bet!) It was really, really, really comforting to know that I wasn't driving the strange roads alone, and having to navigate the roads by myself (or with another passenger.) The same went for the ride back, with Isaac/Yuxun in the lead, and Ming/Julius getting my back.
I wish everyone could have this sort of ortho- koinonia! :D This is what makes us family.
 Ming & Jul behind us...
 ...while we're happily safe.
 Exiting Tuas checkpoint.
 Nothing but blue sky and open road. Libellés : christian, church
[The MACK's first road trip]
Sngs Alumni @ 26.6.09 { 0 comments }