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samedi, janvier 22, 2011

 Earning my keep (or, why I don't have boyfriend)

Look at what I did today ma!

Today was an everything-about-the-kitchen-sink day. There were a number of problems which I wanted to fix:

1. The left kitchen sink had not been draining - this was a near six-month old problem, which I told my mom to call Uncle Ricky to fix, but he's not been returning her phone calls.

2. The next problem was that the base of that same pipe was leaking, and making our sink cupboard rather musty-smelling.

3. Final problem was that the tap itself was leaky-drippy.

So here's my plumber's schedule from 6-10pm:

1. Unscrew the top of the sinkhole and try to fit the plumber's snake (see right pic) into it. Fail. The snake went in and couldn't make the turn. New plan needed.

2. Unscrew the bottom pipes, wash them, replace them, check if the blockage was there. Nope. Still not clear.

3. Unscrew all the white parts, and try to shove in the plumber's snake. Success! After two tries and much jiggling about (and wondering what my liberal arts degree was for), the snake went through to the end of the drain, where we could see the end peeking out happily. PASS!

4. Fixing everything back was impossible - in fact, this took about 5 tries, till I decided that there was an O ring missing or corroded, and that I needed it to be totally replaced.

5. It is 9pm. I decided to head out to AMK to get a replacement. My mother protests, insisting that the shops are closed. I tell her (not for the first time) that people in Singapore don't sleep so early like her.

6. True enough, AMK is bustling with pre-CNY activity. I have four shops to choose my new sink-hole from. $12.90 is a fair price to pay for something which previously lasted us 20+ years! I also buy 8 rolls of plumber's tape - feeling slightly guilty since I think it's a bit of a cheat to get that perfect fit by resorting to plumber's tape. But life is short, and having clean dishes is urgent, so I grab 8 rolls and leave for home. (It's also known as thread seal.)

7. 9.45pm and I'm back at home, fixing the sinkhole drainage - the O ring and the cover fit like a glove. But oops, the new joint is drippy, and the bottom's still leaking. Plumber's tape FTW all the way! And this is the end of our little project for the day.

But there's always a new problem for a new day: the tap's still drippy. I leave you with a photo of the underside I may need to face tomorrow.

Oh, I forgot to add: I did all this immediately after getting home from a manicure/pedicure. I'm proud to say that both escaped unscathed from this little DIY escapade.

Update on Sunday:
My mother bought the new tap, but after about 10 mins of fiddling about under the kitchen tap, I have decided that replacing the tap is beyond my limited capabilities as a DIYer, and this will need more professional help. Uncle Ricky is coming around noon on Wed :D

Technical explanation - there's not enough room to maneuver the spanner around under the sink, so while I am fairly certain I can undo the faucet, I am also fairly certain that I will fail to replace the tap tightly (look at all the thread seal used!) So rather than risk decommissioning the entire sink for 2 days, I'll have the pro come look at it.

I went to have a nap, dinner and ice-cream after this non-repair job. Ice-cream = perfect end to a Sunday <3

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[Earning my keep (or, why I don't have boyfriend)]
Sngs Alumni @ 22.1.11 { 2 comments }


Walao, you wonderwoman.

By Blogger Delighting you always, at 24 janvier 2011 à 00:13:00 UTC+8



By Blogger Hannah Neo, at 1 février 2011 à 19:38:00 UTC+8


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Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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