Refurbishing the Clothes Cupboard
Step one was of course, to survey the damage that 40 years have done to this cupboard (inherited from my parents, hence this cupboard is older than me. Looks bad. The damage is twofold: 1) two coats of lacquer paint from my father many moons ago, and 2) double-sided tape galore from yours truly, as I stuck white paper on it, hoping to give it a new lease of life (it did, for 10 years.)
Best thing to do is try to remove all the gunk on it to try and prepare the surface for any insanity I wish to revisit on it. Here we go!  Halfway through, an hour later: not bad, this is progress. Most of the double-sided tape residue has been removed from the left door and the left side (not shown), and its surface looks less harassed.
The next stage was to remove the tougher, larger double-sided tape residue from the right side. This was much, much harder to do because the quality of the double-sided tape used on the right door was much higher than the left.
After much persuasion from my paint scrapers, nail-polish remover from the Philippines (I kid you not on both counts), and pure utter brute force, three hours from the start of the enterprise, and here's what we have:  The lacquer can be removed, by either sandpapering (dirty) or chipping away at it (tends to take of some wood along with the paint), so neither are really good ideas. I am tempted to douse it in nail-polish remover and scraping my life away, but we'll see what happens next. For the time being, I'm fairly satisfied that the surface has been cleaned.
I wonder if I can get it to look like the cupboard below, but I think this is one ugly-duckling story that's not going to be told...
 Libellés : diy
[Refurbishing the Clothes Cupboard]
Sngs Alumni @ 17.1.11 { 1 comments }