Papering the kitchen cupboards (day 2)
Technically day 2, but in reality it's almost 2 wks later. Just thought I'd finish showing how I finished the job. Total time on this project (including buying stuff) was approx. 7hrs.
The breakdown: Measuring and re-measuring: 1hr Buying the sticker and plotting the cuts: 1hr Cleaning the cupboards: 2hrs Sticking the paper: 3 hrs TOTAL: 7hrs
Huifen, this post is dedicated to you. May your next d.h. be more trustworthy!  Pasting underneath was a HUGE pain - I enlisted my brother's help to hold one end of it while I laid on the kitchen counter... dunking my hair in the oil dishpan in the process unfortunately :P
 Thanks to some math magic, I managed to lay out the cut-marks for minimum wastage of the stickers... so this was leftover from the first sticker roll which was used to paper the front of the cupboards.
 Nearly done! I overlaid the borders with black photographer tape, just to make it look a little bit more finished. It's less sticky than masking tape, and looks/feels more friendly than duct tape. But as with all things, only time will tell if it can hold up to kitchen wear.
 Papering the side and the edges. Libellés : diy
[Papering the kitchen cupboards (day 2)]
Sngs Alumni @ 8.3.11 { 0 comments }