Cross-Making - Part II
I just took another 15 mins to finish this, making it a grand total of approx 2hrs for this project.
Tools: screws, screwdriver, random washers
 Went all around the house looking for blocks to prop up the MDF board so that the screws would insert firmly/no wobbles
 I drew a 3x3cm box on each side, ensuring that I didn't screw up (heh heh) the screwing (ok yes shoot me now.)
 the makeshift whatchamacallit
 First screw in; not too badly done - balsa is very soft
 But I didn't think to have a base block - project would be screwed (heh heh) if the screw just eats through the MDF
 The solution? Washers. Not one, but two!
 One final short screw to tighten things up, as well correct the slightly listing posture of the cross...
 And there you have it - the cross that I'll be using in church this Maundy Thus.
What do you think? Would anyone buy this for $50? That's gonna be $10 for material, $20 per hour of my time. I'd get paid less than a tuition teacher! :D Libellés : diy
[Cross-Making - Part II]
Sngs Alumni @ 5.4.11 { 0 comments }