Calm down everyone. It's bad, but not that bad.
Travelling solo is always a difficult affair for females. There's parents to answer to, personal safety to worry about, and the usual sexual harassment (and the ever present threat of rape/molest) all add up to a fairly tense time when you're in public.
But sometimes, most times, in the daytime, it's alright.
I took a day trip to Shenzhen from Hong Kong one of the afternoons. Wasn't too long, the whole trip took the better part of 6 hours, and nothing untoward happened to me, save being harassed by imitation product pimps, or mani/pedi peddlers.
But judging from the horrified exclamations from my friend's local colleagues here in Hong Kong, you'd think I had survived the journey to Hades and back unscathed, when she told them I had gone and come back.
[Calm down everyone. It's bad, but not that bad.]
Sngs Alumni @ 22.6.11 { 0 comments }