Button Moon
A whole collection of all the characters from this series would make a lovely present to someone from my TV era.
We're off to Button Moon, We've followed Mr. Spoon Button Moon, Button Moon
We're off to Button Moon. Button Moon, Button Moon.
[Voice of Peter Davidson] There's button moon, Shining very brightly in blanket sky.
Five, four, three, two, one, blastoff!
Mrs Spoon has brought the telescope from the spaceship. Let's all look through it, to see what we can see.
[Button Moon]
Sngs Alumni @ 30.9.05 { 0 comments }
Book Review: Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea
Eight years I've waited to read these books - not by any design, but by sheer refusal to shell out the money for the books. Borrowing from the libary wouldn't do - I rarely see the whole set available, and unfortunately this particular Penguin edition is rather fragile, and not made for the tough library wear-and-tear.
I was slightly disappointed - serves me right for waiting eight years, giving it a buildup that not many books can live up to. I had the impression that it was going to be a LotR or Prydain or Susan Cooper type of fantasy novel, the type that follows the protagonist(s) closely through their adventures, but unfortunately Le Guin gives each book a different protagonist, and although we the main protagonist Ged, or Sparrowhawk, the Archmage of Earthsea appears in ALL the books, I never got close enough to him to feel his pain when his major crisis occurred. I attribute this to Le Guin's writing style - very high, lofty language is used, creating an air of detachment and history."Of these some say the greatest, and surey the greatest voyager, was the man called Sparrowhawk, who in his day became both dragonlord and Archmage. His life is told of in the Deed of Ged and in many songs, but this is a tale of the time before his fame, before the songs were made." The first book, A Wizard of Earthsea, is Ged's tale. Chronicling how he grows into his craft, and the mistakes he made, the first book introduces us perfunctorily into the world of Earthsea, a land bereft of technology but full of magic and sorcery, and dragons. Primarily a bildungsroman, after reading it I was interested in reading how Ged develops further in his craft, as I felt it had been glossed over too easily in the first book. Unfortunately, Le Guin moves away from Ged to concentrate on Tenar in the next. Tenar is a priestess of the Unnamed Ones in The Tombs of Atuan, brainwashed and mentally enslaved by this cloister of nuns (or nun-like organisation). She meets Ged, who has come to find another half of an amulet (which will bring peace to Earthsea), and he rescues her from the slavery of her mind (and therefore her person) from the Labyrinth (of which she is guardian over).
The final book in the original trilogy, The Farthest Shore, and by far the best book within the series in my opinion, turns its attention away from Tenar and returns to Ged, but as seen through the eyes of Arren, the future king over all of Earthsea, who appears in this book as a boy. They both set out to cure a mysterious malady afflicting the land of Earthsea, leeching the magic and life out of it (shades of Pullman's "anti-matter" flashed through my mind when I read this). They have their adventures, terrible things happen to Ged, and he winds up just disappearing on the horizon flying on a dragon's back.
Due to the high, romantic style in which Le Guin wrote these novels, it is hard to emphatise or identify with Ged. He is not a likeable character, not because he does not have characteristics that are hard to like, but because we never really get to know him. When he experiences angst or anguish, the reader feels distanced from it due to the writing style of the book. The immediacy of his crisis is isolated in the realm of "this is a tale of the time before his fame, before the songs were made." There is no sense of solidarity with the protagonist, which we felt when we went with Frodo on his long, ardous trek to Mordor, nor is there the sense of travelling with the protagonist through his bildung as he moves and grows thoughout the series.
[The first two books were made into a movie, starring Shawn Ashmore (of X-Men fame) and Kristin Kruek (from Smallville, like any of you guys aren't sick of her lousy acting). I watched the movie; it was a tv movie, two parter, which was rather disappointing as it was not very faithful to any one plot.]
The fourth book was published almost 17 years (1990) after The Farthest Shore was published (1973). As I read all four books in a go, I was rather shocked when I read Tehanu, mainly because its writing style and concerns were so jarring from the rest. In the 17 years that had gone by, Le Guin had made the decision to write more intimately for the characters. We rejoin Tenar, now a widow with two kids, and her adopted child. Ged appears, and they get together in the oddest of fashions - "I have been patient with you for twenty-five years," she says to him - showing once again that men are blur throughout the ages and throughout dimensions and realms. They talk a lot about philosophy and about free will, and Tenar brings up the question of why aren't there any female Archmages, only female parlour-witches who will never amount to anything much, and cannot go to the magic school (think Hogwarts) on Roke Island. They also talk a lot about the essence of the person, whether or not a person's "potentiality" affects his propensity for big thing to happen to him (think of air rushing in to replace a vacuum; the larger the vacuum, the stronger the pull/sucking in of air.)
The questions raised are all worthy questions; however, they are incongruous in a realm which has not seen or breathed the notion of feminism, and I think the regular platonic philosophies do not really apply in a land which has living, breathing, talking dragons flying about on a regular basis. I read somewhere that Le Guin's ideological outlook had changed somewhat during the intervening years between book 3 and 4, and this shows up in stark relief when one compares the topics of character discussion during the first three books and the last.
I wish I had enjoyed the first reading more, but I am optimistic that this will be one of those books which grow on me and will be recommended highly to everyone in my social circle.
[Book Review: Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea]
Sngs Alumni @ 26.9.05 { 0 comments }
Fuzzy said that everyone should do this meme, and it was an imperative. I hear and obey the ostrich.
Prophetic 23:5 Meme Rules: 1. Go into your archive. 2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to). 3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to). 4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
Here's my 23:5 - "Always makes me wonder if someone out there's listening it too. And singing along with me.."
I'm referring to Better than Ezra's "I Do", which was featured in Smallville Season 1, believe.
Someone out there's listening to the same song Feeling the same way that I do
Sngs Alumni @ 25.9.05 { 0 comments }
Stripping Filmmaking to the Bone: A Retrospective
Waaaay back in the days of either JC or early uni, I went to The Substation for a Digital Video (DV) festival, and attended a talk called "Stripping Filmmaking to the Bone". Can't remember who the ang mohs were giving the talk, but I remember taking copious notes, knowing that I would definitely one day, make an amateur movie, guerilla-style.
The notes suddenly surfaced as I was clearing my room a couple of months back, and instead of typing them and leaving them in a file on the computer, never to be cleared, I suppose posting it here would serve as a good personal-public repository as well.
Fear can hold you prisoner, but hope can set you free.
1) Story - start the story, and get feedback. 2) Choost equipment and start budgeting. Budget is where you decide the medium (8mm film, 35mm, VHS, digital etc) - remember you can beg, borrow, ask, exchange, lend resources. Camera, Lights and SOUND are especially important. 3) Create a "road plan" or timeline for the project. 4) Make sure that you budget for entry fees and selling the short/feature. 5) Pre-production crew - director, art director (from film school), cameraman. Start storyboard meetings with props, location, composition of shots.
Stripping Filmmaking to the Bone
MENACE - Industry Climate - Leap of faith vs Death - Low cost = high returns
THE LONGEST DAYS *Production* - Sony VX1000/TRV900E - Beachtek Audio Adaptor - Shure mike with Sennheiser 416 boom - Sponge and shower pole for boom mike substitutes - Filter and matte box - Gaffer tape
THE "GREENHORN" MILE *Post-production* - Media 100 NLE (non-linear edit) - Protools Audio NLE (sound) - Transfer to DBC (digital beta camera) - Firewire to SDI - Colour correction - Online conform - Digital to film transfer (can be sent to Australia, India, Tokyo, Europe, USA) - Audio mix (send to Thailand) - Release print
WINGS OF THE DOUGH *Release Possibilities* - Cinema - film/digital production - Video - VCD/DVD/VHS - Internet - trailer marketing
NEVER SAY NEVER *Things that do not change* - Storytelling - Art direction - Competent cinematography - Planning logistics (foresight) - Contracts - Continuity - Welfare - Murphy's Law is always in action
[Stripping Filmmaking to the Bone: A Retrospective]
Sngs Alumni @ 24.9.05 { 0 comments }
Seriously, start looking
Tonight I had tea with an older classmate, who told me very seriously, "You should really seriously start looking for your life partner. Most single ladies who are 45 years old and above are very bitter, self-centred, and weird."
[Seriously, start looking]
Sngs Alumni @ 23.9.05 { 0 comments }
Cut off in the middle of a sente-
Someone needs to tell my sup that a 20-page article cannot be summarised into six pages without losing some concepts.
[Cut off in the middle of a sente-]
Sngs Alumni @ 22.9.05 { 0 comments }
Time Compression
The advent of technology (all my essays invariably start with this line, or a variation of it) allows us all time to do more. When Gutenberg's printing press came along, it was the start of a new era - "Technology," they cried, "will allow us more time!" No more need to painstakingly copy every single sheet of paper out by hand, no need for penmanship skills - scribes and professional scribes and copiers could hang up their boots and sip mai tais by the Carribean. So where's my mai tai?
The point: I'm busy.
Thus this post: Compressed.
1) Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine is an interesting watch. I'm not particularly enamoured of Moore's rather confrontational style, and he definitely has a political message and agenda to push, which he doesn't do very subtly (see Farenheit 9/11 if you think I'm joking). But it's definitely something that should be included in GP classes, or just watched in your spare time. He's quite an engaging filmmaker, although he definitely leans towards sensationalism - but would you watch a documentary otherwise? I wonder if he got the guys from South Park to do the history of America cartoon segment. And I did not get that the title was a play on the phrase "gunning for Columbine" right until the end.
2) Johnny Depp is amazing. So is Freddie Highmore. I am so glad I did not watch Finding Neverland in the cinemas. I would have ruined my makeup and melted into a puddle of tears. 2a) I love UK accents. The British accent, the Scottish accent... oh, for Kate Winslet and Freddie Highmore to speak and never stop. 2b) I did not know that Freddie Highmore in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which I watched before Finding Neverland) was the same actor in Finding Neverland. He is awesome. That accent!
3) Speaking of the English, I love the Harry Potter promo poster. And I want that jacket. I want that jacket! If they're smart (and I think their merchandising units are), they'll make those jackets high-quality items and sell them at exorbitant prices to adults instead of sending them for manufacturing in China and selling them to puny kids for a buck and a half (or less, on the Chinese pirate market).
I love the jacket (what I can see of it, anyway). It looks like a Germany World Cup soccer jersey, with the yellow stripes and the stars along the sleeve. It looks long, like a trench coat. (Ahh... shades of my Mulder and Scully days...)
Unfortunately, in the other posters, Ron looks ugly with the long hair. If Rupert Grint grows up a little bit more (perhaps in about two years) and moves to America, he'll definitely be first in line to play Archie (from the comics.) And somehow, Hermione (Emma Watson) is looking more and more like Britney Spears. 'Rie tells me that the foreign import player (forgot his name) Viktor Krum from Durmstrang the other school who dates Hermione is very drool-worthy, but I've not seen any sign of him. What's his name?! (Too lazy to walk to KM's room to retrieve the book and find out.) [ETA: Ade says that Cedric Diggory's pretty cute too. But he dies, and it marks the beginning of the PhoenixPotterAngst.)
They have to de-ugly-fy and de-potterize Daniel Radcliffe soon. Or they'll have to find some way to make him less cutesy-Potter (which he grew out of a movie and a half ago) and more grown-up kind of cute. I'll tolerate the gawky-adolescent look for Goblet of Fire, but enough is enough! They should turn him into a London goth-punk for Order of the PhOEnix, given the sheer amount of bloody angst in that book. Better yet, they should just skip making Order of the PhOEnix; it was so badly written. (Ade's gonna have a fit when she sees this paragraph.)
4) Tanaka's Ghost in the Shell is excellent. I should have watched it when it first came out; watching it for the first time now makes it feel really dated. Released in 1998, it pre-dated the seminal The Matrix only by a year, which is rather interesting when you look at that whole period of history (between 1997-2001) and what particular sub-genre of computer sci-fi movies were produced.
And it's rather interesting that one of the leitmotifs grounding the show is 1 Corinthians 13:11 & 12 - "11When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.12For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." Interesting because The Matrix too, had biblical themes - Neo's death and resurrection, the city of Zion, Trinity's name, birth and rebirth, belief and unbelief, etc.
The Thirteenth Floor, another well-written sci-fi show also came out in 1999, but was just overshadowed by The Matrix, no thanks to its lack of a star cast. Similar, almost identical themes to The Matrix. Dark City also came out in 1998, starring Kiefer Sutherland. A pity that 24 didn't come out sooner - had Kiefer Sutherland's star risen earlier, the show might not have tanked as badly as it did.
5) World of Warcraft is fascinating. Not the game per se, since I don't play it and have no idea how to, but rather the way that the game has evolved, developed and spawned off new methods of dialogue and interaction. I love the graphics that they've developed (hey, the Night Elf has been my desktop since 2002 for a reason), and I'd like to do a paper on machinima actually. I JUST HAVE NO TIME. I'd actually like to start playing myself, but my brother warned me about The Abyss That Is WOW. "You won't stop lor," he told me. I'll take advice from the horse.
6) DVD-/+ writers are cool things. Three year-old laptops with two measly USB 1.0 ports are not.
7) Jamie Bell of Billy Elliot fame is truly an amazing guy to watch dance.
8) I hate not being able to read my boss's body language. I don't think he's very supportive of my choice of topic. Should I be worried? I always thought that your sup should champion your cause, but it looks like I'll have to start fighting my own wars. It's like what Colin Goh once wrote in an article I read: "Dreams are very personal creatures..." nobody can live them for you, and it is a lonely road I walk. [This is part of a bigger thought which is too long and too convoluted to even begin exploring right now.]
9) I am tired.Libellés : harry potter
[Time Compression]
Sngs Alumni @ 21.9.05 { 0 comments }
Shell vs Coke
Courtesy of my disgruntled dad, who is amusing himself at work reading stuff like this:
Who knew the Aussies know humour?
(off-topic thought: so if you're a happy worker, does that make you a "gruntled" worker?)
(even more off-topic thought: isnt' slang for a worker drone a "grunt"?)
[Shell vs Coke]
Sngs Alumni @ 16.9.05 { 0 comments }
Go Lion Go
Hmmm... I didn't notice this until today. The old lion had a rather wicked hairdo - long, long beard with a short, spiky, armani-cut hair top. That sort of made him look like he had spiky hair with a goatee that went wrong.
Here's the old lion...  And here's the new lion...  The new lion looks nonplussed for some strange, inexplicable reason. It looks more placid thatn the old one, where you can see the eyes, the eyeballs, the pupils. Brr.
[Go Lion Go]
Sngs Alumni @ 15.9.05 { 0 comments }
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[old blogger code 13 sep 2005]
Sngs Alumni @ 13.9.05 { 0 comments }
Bloggers and the Sedition Act
Base Version { M Ordinance 14 of 1948 > Reprint 3 of 1966 > 1970 Ed. Cap. 106 > REVISED EDITION 1985 } Amended By { 21 of 1973 > LNs > 332/58 > 149/64 > S15/66 } [28th May 1964]
Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Sedition Act.
Interpretation. 2. In this Act —
"publication" includes all written or printed matter and everything whether of a nature similar to written or printed matter or not containing any visible representation or by its form, shape or in any other manner capable of suggesting words or ideas, and every copy and reproduction or substantial reproduction of any publication;
"seditious" when applied to or used in respect of any act, speech, words, publication or other thing qualifies such act, speech, words, publication or other thing as one having a seditious tendency;
"words" includes any phrase, sentence or other consecutive number or combination of words, oral or written.
Seditious tendency. 3. —(1) A seditious tendency is a tendency — (a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the Government; (b) to excite the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore to attempt to procure in Singapore, the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established; (c) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Singapore; (d) to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore; (e) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Singapore.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), any act, speech, words, publication or other thing shall not be deemed to be seditious by reason only that it has a tendency — (a) to show that the Government has been misled or mistaken in any of its measures; (b) to point out errors or defects in the Government or the Constitution as by law established or in legislation or in the administration of justice with a view to the remedying of such errors or defects; (c) to persuade the citizens of Singapore or the residents in Singapore to attempt to procure by lawful means the alteration of any matter in Singapore; or (d) to point out, with a view to their removal, any matters producing or having a tendency to produce feelings of ill-will and enmity between different races or classes of the population of Singapore,
if such act, speech, words, publication or other thing has not otherwise in fact a seditious tendency.
(3) For the purpose of proving the commission of any offence under this Act, the intention of the person charged at the time he did or attempted to do or made any preparation to do or conspired with any person to do any act or uttered any seditious words or printed, published, sold, offered for sale, distributed, reproduced or imported any publication or did any other thing shall be deemed to be irrelevant if in fact such act had, or would, if done, have had, or such words, publication or thing had a seditious tendency. (blogger-note: I cannot believe this whole, long sentence is a grammatically-correct one.)
Offences. 4. —(1) Any person who — (a) does or attempts to do, or makes any preparation to do, or conspires with any person to do, any act which has or which would, if done, have a seditious tendency; (b) utters any seditious words; (c) prints, publishes, sells, offers for sale, distributes or reproduces any seditious publication; or (d) imports any seditious publication,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction for a first offence to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both, and, for a subsequent offence, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years; and any seditious publication found in the possession of that person or used in evidence at his trial shall be forfeited and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the court directs. (blogger-note: Oh dear. Looks like they really are in trouble.)
(2) Any person who without lawful excuse has in his possession any seditious publication shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction for a first offence to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 18 months or to both, and, for a subsequent offence, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years, and such publication shall be forfeited and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the court directs. (blogger-note: So this means that any one of us who has accessed the blogs or the forums with these "seditious" material are also liable to the fine and imprisonment, I suppose.)
Innocent receiver of seditious publication. 7. Any person to whom any seditious publication is sent without his knowledge or privity shall forthwith as soon as the nature of its contents has become known to him deliver the publication to the officer in charge of a police division and any person who complies with this section shall not be liable to be convicted for having in his possession that publication:
Provided that in any proceedings against such person the court shall presume until the contrary is shown that that person knew the contents of the publication at the time it first came into his possession. (blogger-note: So we bring all our computers to the nearest NPP and dump it at the station. "I confess, I confess, officer! I ... I... I visited that forum!")
[Taken from Singapore Statutes Online; accessed 13 Sept 2005 0204hrs]
Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
[Taken from USINFO.state.gov; accessed 13 Sept 2005 0214hrs]
And finally, the point:
I think it's good that the promotion of racist remarks has been stopped by the police, but I'm rather disappointed that the normally self-policing internet did not manage to do its job before the Singapore authorities jumped in like some kancheong spider. I'm wondering whether it is our penchant/tendency toward tolerance that caused this online policy failure - perhaps racial and ethnic tolerance has been drilled into our heads for so long that our psyches have extended its reach to other facets of life too.
Or maybe it's a confluence of two factors: the unofficial Singapore "Tolerance Act" and our Americanis(z)ed media. Too much Law and Order, NYPD Blue and The Practice in our diet - we're so familiar with the USA's First Amendment that perhaps we automatically assume that we're living in a society where these rules apply. This is especially true when we speak of the online sphere, which originated from the land of the free - so although we physically reside in Singapore, perhaps mentally, we live in the USA. A "live and let live" philosophy developed as a result, leading to a sort of apathy-fear combination - live and let live (tolerance), and don't criticise people for having an extreme opinion since they're entitled to it (free speech.)
The trouble is, we do have a constitution which guarantees free speech. Well, kind of - but the miscellaneous Acts (look at the Singapore Statues Online for more) are clauses for the usual yada-yada. Look! Part IV of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore:
Freedom of speech, assembly and association
14. —(1) Subject to clauses (2) and (3) — (a) every citizen of Singapore has the right to freedom of speech and expression; (b) all citizens of Singapore have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms; and (c) all citizens of Singapore have the right to form associations.
(2) Parliament may by law impose — (a) on the rights conferred by clause (1) (a), such restrictions as it considers necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of Singapore or any part thereof, friendly relations with other countries, public order or morality and restrictions designed to protect the privileges of Parliament or to provide against contempt of court, defamation or incitement to any offence; (b) on the right conferred by clause (1) (b), such restrictions as it considers necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of Singapore or any part thereof or public order; and (c) on the right conferred by clause (1) (c), such restrictions as it considers necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of Singapore or any part thereof, public order or morality.
(3) Restrictions on the right to form associations conferred by clause (1) (c) may also be imposed by any law relating to labour or education.
[Taken from Singapore Statutes Online; accessed 13 Sept 2005 1412pm] So we sorta have free speech - but kinda not really. This is not a new debate; I will not continue to belabo(u)r the point.
To recap this convoluted crap that I've just typed: (1) two bloggers got charged under the Seditious Act; (2) I'm disappointed that the self-policing internet did not do its work; and (3) I posit that its a mixture of US-Singapore rights/legalities which has led us/these two bloggers into hot soup.
Now, my question: can these two bloggers be charged under Singapore law? They MAY be Singapore citizens, but perhaps their comments resided in an offshore server. Does the long arm of Singapore law reach all the way to say, Bahrain? A quick check with uwhois.com showed that the domain name "Doggiesite.com" is registered under a Singaporean Toa Payoh P.O. Box address. Upsaid.com is registered to someone in Beersel, Belgium. While this is no indication of server location, it gives you a pretty good idea of the internationality of the internet (like you needed any more indication that the 'net is global.) I'm not a law student, and I'm not studying internet law in any form, but I hope that the MSM (mainstream media) follows this story closely so we can see how the Singaporean courts and lawyers handle the case.
(Another caveat - the geography of the internet is also not a new topic; I'm not that smart. However, I think I can safely predict that there will be an increasing number of similar disputes occurring throughout the world - just recently, Yahoo! co-founder Jerry Yang admitted that Yahoo HK had given supposedly private email account information of Shi Tao, a journalist, to the Chinese authorities. This would be unthinkable (and unconstitutional) in the USA - but because Yahoo HK has to adhere to Chinese law, the regular Yahoo! TOS and privacy policy are more malleable - to the point where it broke, I suppose.)
[Bloggers and the Sedition Act]
Sngs Alumni @ 13.9.05 { 1 comments }
A Night Out In Tiong Bahru
I had a little bit of time on my hands on Thursday, and I thought I'd better get the tiramisu out of the way before the weekend descended upon me. I thought I'd do it slightly differently this time around - I would get cute little cups to make the dessert in, instead of assembling it in a big clear bowl. Look! There they are residing happily in my fridge.
But alas! The cuteness of the cups could not surpass the cuteness of Asher, Clinton and Priscilla's son.
Oh goody! People coming to coo and ooh and ahh over me! I absolutely adore it. Look, I will even deign to clap my hands in an attempt to garner more oohs and ahhs from the aunties and uncles. Look how dexterious I am!
I can even wave all my limbs in a non-synchronized way when I feel like it - I've learned that that's always a crowd-pleaser.
And now, for my second act, I will show you that I have far superior IQ and EQ than most babies my age. I will show you the universal sign language signing for "Jesus Christ". It's the second finger pointing-tapping to the middle of the opposite palm.
What's that? You say it's the third finger? Nay, good sirrah. The human digits go like this: thumb, first finger, second finger, third finger, last finger. The opposable thumb is given special status, and not to be associated with the more common "fingers."
I'm bored with you now. Speak to the hippo. Next group of visitors!
Ah! New bloo... I mean, new friends! Hello, how are you. Hello, how do you do. My name's Asher. Don't you think I'm the cutest thing ever?
Aiyoh, please don't touch me. I will slant my eyes and look at you suspiciously.
Okay! Looks like my audience is bored. It is time for my next trick! Let me show you that I am truly being brought up in the fear and knowledge of the Lord. Let me show you my prayer position!
It's still kind of hard for me to grasp this concept, so I start first by clasping my hands together. But my hands sometimes get unstuck, so I like to get them nice and sticky with a little bit of saliva - you know, just to make sure.
So here's the classic "prayer position" that mummy and daddy have been teaching me.
I have to keep an eye on it in case it gets loose.
You're leaving me? No, no, please don't go, I need you to stay! Something could happen to me! Like, I could... uh... I get hungry or something! Yeah! Or a horrible mosquito might bite another hunk out of my cheek! Or... or... I could get stuck in the corner of the bed again! Yeah! Don't go... I'll blubber cute tears of abandonment if you do... *sob*
[A Night Out In Tiong Bahru]
Sngs Alumni @ 11.9.05 { 0 comments }
Blog Ahoy!
Now, I don't normally publicize the blogs of people I know, but two most excellent blogs have suddenly come to my attention - for different reasons, of course, but both are worthy to be highlighted all the same.
1) Ray @ rayreflects.blogspot.com Ray went for an Eagles Communications seminar, where he met some people, then hopped on a boat to Batam (or Bali, I don't recall), and he met some other people, and then hopped on a plane to Biola University in California. So he's in Talbot now. Doing an M.A. in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. (For those of you who need the name-brand to mentally connect to the school, it's Ravi Zacharias's alma mater, according to PS.)
Justification for highlighting his blog: Because he just SUDDENLY LEFT. And many people out there DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT HE LEFT. (Like me.) (I wonder sometimes if Shirong knows.)
2) Mun @ yourfavouritemun.blogspot.com Mun has been the end of many -mun jokes - "yo, mun, how's it hanging?", "mun-ney" (money), "muney very funny", "mun-dane", "munster", "mun-tou" (mantou) etc etc - and she has borne these remarkably bad puns with great aplomb throughout the years.
The jokes must have really tickled her funnybone too, judging from her chosen blog title.
Justification for highlighting her blog: Because its mun the munster. Who could resist?
[Blog Ahoy!]
Sngs Alumni @ 11.9.05 { 0 comments }
Two Graphic Novels
Neglected and in a melancholy blue, this book has patiently awaited my perusing fingers and starving eyes since sometime in early April, when I finally hunkered down and shelled out the cash to buy it. It might be a little (or a lot) bizaare, but I feel connections with certain books on my bookshelf; it's like they're waiting for the perfect time for me to read them, and not the other way around. Blankets seems to be one of those books.
Semi-autobiographical, the stories drawn in Blankets read like the book's namesake - soft and gentle. Told in a series of "chapters", this novel was not serialised before publication, the general practice for a graphic novel this thick. Think of Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes strips running for about a year or two before the comics come out - Craig Thompson dared to go the other way instead, and published the whole novel without serialization. Bravo.
Craig Thompson tells well-written stories about childhood and his brother, about religious church camps and first loves, about discovering faith and losing it. The stories are nostalgic, but never overly sentimental, and he manages to articulate all the things I feel is wrong about Christianity and certain institutions' perceptions and interpretations of how we should live our lives -but never once does Thompson lay the blame on anyone or any institution - he seems to have acknowledged that we are all ill-informed, frail beings, and are just trying to make the most out of what we have been given.
I think my pastor would appreciate reading this book. It's definitely not for people who don't want to think about Christianity, and/or what their faith means to them, but for persons out there who are tired of the usual dogma, this offers a refreshing view - not necessarily the "right", sanctioned view, but definitely an unusual one.
In a rather disturbing twist of my newly-discovered penchant for graphic novels, I bought the first of the Lucifer series of graphic novels in late August.
The story (so far) - Lucifer Morningstar has abdicated and left hell. He let all the souls go, made a mess of things (which God sorted out), had Morpheus (Neil Gaiman's The Sandman IV: Season of Mists) cut off his wings, and is now a piano player in a jazz bar.
There's another god in town, created by somethings which live or exist below the surface - and Satan has been hired on an ad-hoc basis by heaven to handle the situation. Satan asks for something in return, and it is given. He does the job, collects the reward, and then spends the rest of the time mucking about with humans and a deck of demon-possessed cards or something.
I rather like the stories; I am also slightly disturbed by how well-written they are. It humanizes satan, and makes him an extremely sympathetic creature - a god, but without the "Jesus hangups" of belief and heaven and hell. It's "religion-lite" for the masses - capitalist wish-fulfillment. Lucifer Morningstar: open for business - we trade 24/7, 365. It makes spiritual apathy that much more attractive, as it presents another alternative to the gospel, which some view as outmoded, or untrue, or of having rigid tenets impossible to follow. I'm not too sure if I'm going to keep following the series. It's rather seductive... like the serpent himself.
[Two Graphic Novels]
Sngs Alumni @ 8.9.05 { 0 comments }
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Sngs Alumni @ 8.9.05 { 0 comments }