looking for baudrillard, boorstin, or eco?

dare to hope for what is good
instead of what is merely good enough.
Dead in sin | Saved by grace | Living in hope | Walking by faith | Surviving on a prayer

+ sola scriptura + sola gratia + solus Christus + sola fide + sola Deo gloria +

lundi, septembre 27, 2010

 Hmmmm... interesting

As if my life isn't insane enough, there's an interesting competition which has piqued my interest.

Mango Fashion Blogger Contest

It comes at an interesting time for me because I've actually explored the 70s clothes and themes while looking for dress ideas, and recently dug through my mother's old clothes for stuff to wear.

But I think this is less of a clothes-making competition than it is a "pick and mix what you want to wear by Mango" type competition.

Should I join? I have about a wk to decide.

Libellés : ,

[Hmmmm... interesting]
Sngs Alumni @ 27.9.10 { 0 comments }

vendredi, septembre 24, 2010

 Disaster strikes

My sewing machine is giving up on me! Not now, when I'm just in the middle of my dress :\ I'm using my mother's (now mine, I suppose) sewing machine, a vintage 1970s Singer Genie 384.

ETA 25 Sep @ 530pm: It has now taken a trip to the repair shop:
Honlock Sewing Machine Trading
Blk 452 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 #01-1769, Singapore 560452
Tel: +65-(will post later)

ETA 27 Sept @ 10pm: Mrs Koh from Honlock called to say that the machine gears are worn out from years of use and need to be replaced completely, to the tune of S$98. I suppose that's still cheaper than a new entry-level sewing machine (S$300) and cheap to keep memories (my childhood pjs were made from this machine!)

Libellés : , ,

[Disaster strikes]
Sngs Alumni @ 24.9.10 { 0 comments }


Season 7 is gonna be awesome.

Libellés :

Sngs Alumni @ 24.9.10 { 1 comments }

dimanche, septembre 19, 2010

 Stupidity Tolerance Level

While talking to Poo about something serious tonight, he offered a few choice questions

Libellés :

[Stupidity Tolerance Level]
Sngs Alumni @ 19.9.10 { 0 comments }

mercredi, septembre 15, 2010

 The iWant Generation

There seems to be colossal confusion over what you need and what you want. Wants have become needs - eg my mom, when looking at the Starhub brochure, became confused over buying cable tv set-top box - in the end, it took all my logic to convince her to ask herself - do you really NEED a HDTV set-top box WHEN WE DON'T EVEN OWN A FLATSCREEN, much less HDTV? Will the purchase do a Numbers (heh) on us a beget other purchases? And honestly, how much more pleasure will it give you seeing Celine Dion’s (airbrushed out) pores on a blue-ray DVD?

This is not to condemn those who have decided that they want these things - things are rarely evil in and of themselves (unless you’re talking about maybe...guns or weapons which only have one use) - but rather to examine your motivations when you obtain stuff in the world - is it really necessary for you to have them, or are they merely something you think you need?

This message is not new, nor is it innovative - but we are a forgetful people, and need to be reminded time and again of how fickle our hearts and minds are.

I think we need far less than what we have.

Libellés : , , ,

[The iWant Generation]
Sngs Alumni @ 15.9.10 { 1 comments }

mardi, septembre 07, 2010

 ReDone-ded [update 2]

Some photographs of the furniture that I'm re-upholstering for my house:

The originals stacked in a corner.

Cutting out the shapes for the wood bases that have splintered

Cutting (dangerously freehand) the vinyl
to wrap around the back-boards

Stapling the fabric on the backboards - you can see
where it was once red, then brown, now white

Nearly done...
(one more photo to come)

From left: the newly re-upholstered chair, the chair that changed the colour game, and lastly, the nekkid chair.

Re Done Ded! One more chair to go tomorrow night, and then satisfaction for a job well-done. All for the low, low price of $35.

If you really want to be ngiau about it and count everything:
  • Upholstery fabric $20+$15 = $35
  • Stapler gun = $12
  • Staples (including wrong trial and error sizes) = $10
  • Travel to get the upholstery = $23 (estimation)
  • TOTAL = $60

[update 16 Sept 2010]

It is finished!

Final touch was to cover up the screws with double-sided taped-on round upholstery material. Voila, c'est bien!

Libellés :

[ReDone-ded [update 2]]
Sngs Alumni @ 7.9.10 { 0 comments }

lundi, septembre 06, 2010

 Safety means colouring within the lines

While I'm not a proponent of reckless living, I think that life should be lived. Life tends to fall into certain grooves after a while - we are creatures of habit - and stepping out of that groove once in a while gives our life dish a little more flavour.

So pardon my dust as you sit by your porch.

Libellés :

[Safety means colouring within the lines]
Sngs Alumni @ 6.9.10 { 0 comments }

samedi, septembre 04, 2010

 In Progress: Two Years

Nope, not done yet. I think this may be it for this piece; I'm a little at a loss as to how to continue without destroying my work; the detail eludes my skill! You can look at how lovely the original by Christopher Moeller is:

Libellés : , ,

[In Progress: Two Years]
Sngs Alumni @ 4.9.10 { 0 comments }

vendredi, septembre 03, 2010

 Autumn = Boots

Now that Autumn is here, I am looking forward to the girly treat of browsing boots. I have a feeling this year is gonna be a good year for boots.

Although I do beg to differ with Mango's interpretation of it - people aren't going to go around with shorts and a flimsy blouse!

Libellés : ,

[Autumn = Boots]
Sngs Alumni @ 3.9.10 { 0 comments }

+ moi +

+ PDL +

Musings on Rick Warren's Purpose-Driven Life (PII)


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+ booksneeze+

I review for BookSneeze

+ best of the web +

[lilies of e field]

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+ before i die +

Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro
Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

make ur own map!

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[lpsd 2003-2009.]