Introducing Sally Avernier
Sally rocks the illustrations. All computer-based! I can barely draw a straight line with the tablet.Libellés : art, harry potter
[Introducing Sally Avernier]
Sngs Alumni @ 20.10.07 { 0 comments }
Moore, Amazon, Moore
I think it's hilarious how Mandy Moore is linked on an Amazon ad on the anti-Michael Moore site, moorewatch. Check it:
Libellés : humour, technology
[Moore, Amazon, Moore]
Sngs Alumni @ 19.10.07 { 0 comments }
Photography exhibition at the Esplanade's Singapore Art Cafe
The blog front's been a bit quiet lately because I'm working on three research projects simultaneously, not to mention my thesis (hurhur), so time's a little bit scarce here.
It's all good though - and made even better because of the insane number of new people I'm meeting, like Jon, who owns the Singapore Arts Cafe, and who is allowing me to exhibit some photos there for a glorious, heavenly two weeks!
So if you're free, do pop by the Esplanade between 1-14th October at the Esplanade's 3rd floor, Singapore Art Cafe, which is located in the library@esplanade.
Am I excited? You betcha.
(ETA - this post is post-dated till 14th Oct, so my newer entries will appear below this post until the 14th.)
ETA II - so those are my completed photos with their mounts on my (lime green) bed. I'm happy with how the mounts look, although some of the photo printing disappointed me. Ah well, we live and we learn.
Libellés : photography, singapore
[Photography exhibition at the Esplanade's Singapore Art Cafe]
Sngs Alumni @ 14.10.07 { 1 comments }
$6000 psf view, anyone?
left: @10mm | right: @ 22mm (10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM)
These shots were SUPPOSED to show the difference between a wide-angle lens and a normal not-so-wide angle lens... doesn't really show them very well, but I think Jason got the point. Left: Jason trying his hand at the wide-angle Right: Jason trying the portrait lens, which he liked :) My lunch companions for the day. Jet looks too happy. It makes me suspicious. Libellés : personal, photography
[$6000 psf view, anyone?]
Sngs Alumni @ 11.10.07 { 1 comments }
Paris, je t'adore? Peut-etre...
You Belong in Paris |
You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris. You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe. |
Libellés : quiz
[Paris, je t'adore? Peut-etre...]
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.07 { 0 comments }
Holland Village Placards
Maybe he drew the happy face because his dripping red paint looked a tad too gory for a nice old cobbler... I was trying to see how far my phone camera could take me... it's not too bad huh? 1.5mp only, with night-mode switched on.
Libellés : photography
[Holland Village Placards]
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.07 { 0 comments }
Birthday 2005
Although I'd say that my birthday parties are far from being "legendary", I'd like to think that I throw a pretty good one for the crusade gang every July.
If you squint really, really hard, you'll see my 2005 list of people :)
I was throwing out this notebook, but wanted to keep some form of record of this for posterity's sake.Libellés : personal
[Birthday 2005]
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.07 { 0 comments }
I'm sorry, there is an elephant in the way
I've probably put some of these up before, but hey, you can never hear a really good joke too many times...
Click on it to read it at a higher resolution. I like people with a sense of humour. This is very true in a disturbing way. So much for "Save the Polar Bears"...
This sign is truly evil. And probably fake. Libellés : humour, photography
[I'm sorry, there is an elephant in the way]
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.07 { 0 comments }
Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe
He fixes high heels for approx $3 per pair, and fixed my boots for $9 - and it was hard work! Remember - not Wang Fei Hong, it's TAN FEI HUNG! Plumber by day, cobbler by night. I love these little bits of Singapore very much. Its what I'll miss the most if I ever move away. Libellés : photography, singapore
[Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe]
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.07 { 0 comments }
Silver Linings
Sometimes sunsets just surprise you. Not that they've not got a history of superlatives like "gorgeous" and "beautiful", but sometimes they creep up on you and yell BOO! And you're all pleasantly surprised by the cloud behind the silver lining of driving to school on a Thursday night for lessons.Libellés : photography
[Silver Linings]
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.07 { 0 comments }
How to use up nearly-expired baking chocolate
... by making chocolate chip cookies.
LEFT: Why does No Frills sell flour in such a weird grammage? 454g. Who bakes ANYTHING with 454g? RIGHT: The whole container was initially full of sugar. And now it's empty. Cookies are just made of pure sugar. It's scary.
LEFT: ALL the chocolate chips were gone once I was done with my baking. RIGHT: The mix is four eggs, some vanilla essence, and A WHOLE LOAD OF SUGAR.
LEFT: Adding the flour took forever, and I thought my arms never got such a good workout RIGHT: The finished product that had to be baked. Yum yum. Double chocolate chip cookie dough.
Not made with any more love than what's inside "darn, I have to use the chocolate before it expires!" But still, yum yum.
Libellés : food
[How to use up nearly-expired baking chocolate]
Sngs Alumni @ 9.10.07 { 0 comments }
The Sengkang Lament (aka It's Tough to Live in Sengkang)
This song is dedicated to Mich. For various reasons. Main one being that she DOES stay in Sengkang. :)
The Sengkang Lament (aka It's Tough to Live in Sengkang)
V1: I'm just a guy who got a flat While driving on the TPE Didn't mean to bust my daddy's ride; Now relegated to the MRT
C: It's tough to live in Sengkang On the borders of nowhereland Tough to live in Sengkang MRT, NEL...then walk another 10
V2: I'm just a girl who got a flat Right beside the TPE The constant traffic drives me mad Don't Singaporeans ever sleep?
V3: I'm just a kid who fell down flat Trying to see the TPE Climbed up my window grilles but slipped Nearest hospital's far: Changi!
Bridge: No swimming pool, no famous food No multi-cineplex No top-10 school, no sports complex Just strange names on my mapLibellés : music, singapore
[The Sengkang Lament (aka It's Tough to Live in Sengkang)]
Sngs Alumni @ 3.10.07 { 1 comments }
Good Riddance: A Reminder for University Ethics
The verse of my birthday for July 19, 2007 was Genesis 50:20: - You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
I guess that sums up my postgrad experience in a nutshell. There's really not much else to say, what with the professor resigning in before the scandal could even erupt.
There are some things which professors should not be allowed to do, and one of them is to unfairly exploit the power-imbalance between teacher-student to their advantage. Universities should also clearly state the OOB markers - this is not something which is an ethically ambivalent issue; it's as distinct as night and day.
Although the university has no right to interfere in what occurs behind closed doors, there should be a clear articulated policy with regard to improper student-teacher relationships. It is precisely because there was no earlier sanction on this guy, did he grow bolder and bolder, even as he put on his moralist, hyper-ethical front. If there's a clear sense that instructors are taking advantage of the lack of articulated policy, shouldn't someone be looking into putting some semblance of one down on paper?Libellés : academic, school, singapore, thinking
[Good Riddance: A Reminder for University Ethics]
Sngs Alumni @ 1.10.07 { 0 comments }