(Updated!) Some people are sooooo demanding. Here is an accounting of how I spent/will spend this week, just to put this entire Children's Camp into the context of my life.
Sun 26 Nov 06 - Studying + Friend's wedding dinner Mon 27 Nov 06 - Sick (mild food poisoning) + Studying + Exam at 6:30-9:30pm Tue 28 Nov 06 - Children's Camp Day 1 Wed 29 Nov 06 - Children's Camp Day 2 Thus 30 Nov 06 - Children's Camp Day 3 Fri 1 Dec 06 - Children's Camp Day 4 (last day!) Sat 2 Dec 06 - Soo Jin+Van's Wedding Sun 3 Dec 06 - StanChart Run (10K)
This is the tail-end of my Oct/Nov craziness, but the work week from 4th Dec onwards is packed with back-dated appointments with people who wanted a piece of me but couldn't get it during my exam period.
Children's Enrichment Camp Day 1: 28 Nov 2006 Once again, I find myself in charge of the music station - I was involved in 2004, in charge in 2005 (last year), and again in charge this year (2006.) My lovely team this year comprise Beverly Tan, Puden Tsang, Huiyun, and Mandino Tan on P.A. Bev, Puden and Huiyun are amazing - they gave up Sunday after Sunday of lunches just to learn the actions for all the songs that we had to teach in the camp. How great is that? (And we have VIDEO FOOTAGE, all thanks to Miss.Chee.Vious.!
Same start to the camp like every year - everyone blur-blur dur-dur, some younger kids crying from the parent separation, the carpark dropoff area is a complete mess, parents coming into the music hall and blocking the entrance and then suddenly it's 830am already and we're all thinking ZOMG HOW COME THERE ARE SO MANY KIDS and IS THERE ENOUGH AIR IN THIS ROOM and IS IT TOO LATE TO BACK OUT and I HOPE THEY DON'T URINATE ON THE FLOOR and HOW ARE WE GONNA PULL THIS OFF???
And then we breathe, and then we pray, and it's okay.
For our station, it's just music, music, music all the way. Our schedule's tight and we always don't have enough manpower for this, but the kids dancing and singing is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS worth it, especially the pre-schoolers because they're just too adorable for words. Unfortunately, even the adorable-ness of the kids couldn't help Beverly clear her foggy head, so we had to send her off after lunch to visit the doctor and concuss on knockout drugs.
This was really bad for us because the first day is the only day we have two sessions with the kids - and this means we'll all be standing and dancing for nearly the whole day, stopping only for lunch and teatime. By the end of the day, waist-sour-back-pain doesn't even begin to cover how our lower limbs felt. But praise God! Everything went according to plan, although - and I am not kidding - one poor girl did urinate on the floor. Someone joked that my station was "too exciting liao."
One thing that really impresses me during the camp is the task of providing food for everyone in the camp. It's ALWAYS a military task to coordinate everything, although in the previous two years, it was a lady doing the work. This year, things definitely looked military-style, as Uncle Andrew took over from Aunty Anne in the cooking department. Because he's also in charge of logistics, stocks were ordered weeks in advance, and everything was delivered the weekend before the camp started. Boxes of the same size were put together, gunny sacks of rice were stored on top of boxes so that rats couldn't get to them, and physical barriers were put in place to prevent hungry mobs from overwhelming the kitchen staff.
A section was set aside for workers to eat and run, and Uncle Andrew was always around to remind us to eat more, and the daily menu was printed out and pasted in numerous locations to prevent parents and children from asking the same "what are we having for tea/lunch today?" question ten billion times over. How expert is that? And check out the amazing stacks of disposable cutlery we got - it's definitely NOT environmentally-friendly, but we tried the opposite last year - only to have it backfire on us as the kitchen staff were too stressed out by the washing up to concentrate on the cooking! Ergo, the decision to use styrofoam. We're still looking for solutions to this problem, and we welcome suggestions.
Debrief occurred at 6pm, and we all vamoosed by 6:30pm, tired and achy and having the theme song bouncing around in our brains.
Children's Enrichment Camp Day 2: 29 Nov 2006 The day started out with me not seeing the camp committee as we met to pray at 730am. Turns out that they were hiding in an obscure corner while I was wandering around church for 10 minutes. I got there just as the last "Amen" sounded, and after that it was a mad rush again to get to the music station to set everything up.
Praise & Worship, rest, teach, tea, rest, EXCURSION! This year, we went for two outings - the camp was split up into two groups, one to Changi Memorial Chapel and one to the Botanic Gardens. The groups would swap locations the next day, but yours truly was assigned to distribute tea at Changi Memorial Chapel.
Loading up the buses itself was a huge problem, because there were more butts than buttseats on each vehicle. Thankfully, the kids were squeezable, so we managed to hope on the two buses and head out to Changi. The bus took a wrong turn somewhere near the prisons, and we wound up staring at some airplanes, which woke everyone up and got us all quite excited. Too bad we were going to the chapel, and not touring Singapore Airline's hangars instead.
Changi Memorial Chapel is a very quiet, unassuming place. A dignified rememberance to the suffering that occurred during WWII and during the years of Japanese Occupation, it is situated in a pictureque little corner of Singapore, with an open-air bar/cafe at the side of its entrance.
(TBC, but I'll post this up first. Too sleepy to continue.)
It's a solemn place where you can go to remember the heros of the Japanese Occupation and see how Singapore fit in the greater context of WWII. Everything went well, although the rotating was kind of difficult due to the (1) massive number of children (2) the fact that we didn't really have a "holding area", and (3) the restriction that the kids couldn't make noise.
My duties were to distribute the water, cookies, and buns to the kids who were scheduled for tea break. The kids didn't seem very hungry, and the food/water boxes were so heavy that I decided to try and do something about it. I started selling kisses to Puden for 20 buns - all in jest, of course. But this soon spiralled out of control as I underestimated the love these kids have for their dear old 'Pooooden kor kor'. Kids really did start coming up to us and getting more buns from us, until we got quite alarmed that the kids would make themselves sick and vomit on the bus from the crazy force-feeding. One (rather fat) boy actually ate 6 buns and a lot of water, which pushed us over the edge from "amused" to "so cute" to "weird" to "ZOMG TAKE THAT BUN AWAY FROM HIS MOUTH BEFORE HE PUKES."
Herein lies the genesis of the Puden Fan Club, which is a post so hilarious that it deserves its own post, so hold tight while we all gather more incrimiating evidence.
I always press the wrong button to close the door. If there was a maniac chasing me, I'll be the one pressing the DO for him to catch up with me. Why don't they change and use the >-<> signs instead?
This is so funny that it's frightening. For some reason, I have a feeling that if George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley (of Wham!) were born in this century, they'd be making this sort of YouTube video.
These two kids are taking it so, so seriously! The kid in red (with the lanky arms and legs; probably hitting a growth spurt) really looks like he could be a dancer with his moves, and the other little guy in black, his utterly serious expression as he lip-synches along with the music completely cracks me up. He'll be a great Al Pacino mafia boss type actor if he ventures into the field.
Actually, I revise my opinion - these two are living embodiments of Pinky and the Brain!!!
Not many people know this, but Dim's now back in SG with hubby in tow, and she's ready and willing to meet for lunch/dinner etc, so call her out! Give me a ring/sms if you need her contact.
Mer and I met up with her for dinner at Mer's place (plus two dogs), and it was a wonderful time of catching up with Mrs Crossley - it's amazing how friendships can last the way that ours is lasting : it doesn't feel like any time has passed, even though we've all gone and done our own thing in the last four years that we've not seen each other. Our conversation ran smoothly, the two married people talked about their wedding while I bitched about not being invited to Dim's (she said I should have "just thick-skin and just come lor" while I looked at her like she was mad - and she said most of her friends got the invitation that way, then I got cross at myself for not hopping on a plane and doing just that.)
She and hubby are around till the first week of December, then they're off for a six months backpacking trip from here to Ireland, so if you want to meet up with this wayward child of Singapore, contact her soon! Once they have their jabs and immunizations and visas and goodness knows what else, they're vamoosing again.
So it figures that the next excursion out of Singapore that I take is one where I'm super groggy from the lack of sleep and grumpy at having to lug a whole assortment of stuff which should have been packed in rollable suitcases (don't take it personal, rie), so I don't have time to take in the sights as I sit on a boat (yay! I love ships) and head over to Bintan, Indonesia as a favour to a friend. I was snoozing all the way.
The whole place is pretty! Very nice, lush grounds with lots of service and stuff around to amuse you - too bad diving season is over and won't open again until April (which means Nongsa = spa to Mich and Rie and me, sigh), but plenty of sunshine and sea and sand!
There's lots of wide open spaces, lots of sea breeze, and the whole place just feels like a wonderful escape from Singapore... which it is - just one hour away! I didn't really get the hotel rates, but they shouldn't be that expensive. I'm thinking of it as a getaway for a youth retreat or something, although something cheaper might doas well - I doubt that this will cost less than S$200 a night.
Oh, and I rather like this pretty tree that rested on an island in the middle of one of their parks which we held our games in. Too bad it started raining like mad in the middle of everything. It all worked out in the end; Sara's a professional, and kept her cool throughout. Me? I'm just glad I wasn't in charge that day. Feels so good to be part of the activities without being The Head for once. After too many church/youth/children's camps where you're expected to solve all the problems, it's wonderfully liberatingly refreshing to have someone deal with locations, wet-weather plans, authority figures and the like.
I hope everyone had fun. I know I did, despite PE getting horrifically sick (poor girl!) and someone being slapped in the face with a wristwatch (wrist attached) accidentally during a particularly rough game of (of all things!) dog-and-bone.
One thing struck me as odd though - I've grown up on a diet of crazy games like Whacko and the Blanket game, Dog and Bone and Captain's Ball, caterpillar crawl, tangle, leg-tying etc, but this seems to be the exception rather than the norm - or at least, in this group that came together. When SL explained the blanket-name game to Sara, it didn't seem as if Sara was familiar with the game either - which again, was surprising to me, and made me re-evaluate my childhood and the games that I played. I suppose being part of huge camp-organising groups like prefects/monitor/church and other christian groups really educated me on group games - something which education can't really provide directly.
Coming back on the boat that night (it was a one day trip) was as uneventful as the going - watching So You Think You Can Dance with the girls was fun, but after that we were all sleeping again, wanting to get home asap. Sara kindly dropped me off at Little India, where I promptly got semi-molested by an idiot (see prior post). Wonderful.
Time Enough For Tears - The Corrs Let's read the trees and their autumn leaves As they fall like a dress undone At the end of summers, love will find lovers Who need the shadow of a winter's sun
Don't tell me you're leaving, we can hide in the evening It's getting darker than it should. If we read the leaves as they blow in the breeze - Would it stop us now, my love?
Time enough for hard questions, time enough for all our fears Time is tougher than we both know yet – time enough for tears
The moon is milk and the sky where it's spilt, it's magic And we all need to believe that we can wake in the dream It's not as hard as it seems - you know, it's harder to leave
Time enough for being braver, time enough for all our fears Time is tougher than we both know yet – time enough for tears
I heard you say underneath your breath some kind of prayer I heard you say underneath your breath That you never wanna feel this way about anybody else
Time enough for hard questions, time enough for all our fears Time, it's tougher than we both know yet – time enough for tears
Time enough for being braver, time enough – I love this time of year Time, it's tough, it's running away from us – time enough for tears
Not so much punk rock girl than girl who fell half-asleep (despite a can of coffee!) while putting her hair up so didn't expect a super duper glam hairdo on the night that a pal was getting married. Check out the newly-minted do:
I just thought it'd be nice to do bun up my hair and put a flower or two in it - but then the stylist had other ideas on hand, so I sleepily agreed to "do whatever you want". I did bring the flowers, and I did want flowers in my hair, but this hairstyle seriously worked for me that night because I just took a look at some of the pictures that Derek took that night and I'm going, woah, are you sure that it's me in those photographs? I've got to get the photographs from him to keep and print!
For those of you who want to know: it's a $33 wash and bunding, Supercuts @ Goldhill Plaza (opposite Novena MRT - my whole life revolves around Novena). I think this guy called Hingo (the one in the photo taking the photo) did my hair for me. He's really, really, really good. No waffling about the hair, just pinning directly. He didn't bat an eyelid at the flowers, and neither did he make a big deal out of the fact that they were real flowers. Very professional, very well done.
You are The Moon Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
I hate guys who try to molest you on the bus. I got on the 980, and was sitting on the aisle seat, and this guy was seated in his window seat, perfectly awake. I got on at the Little India bus stop, and somewhere along the children's hospital stop, he suddenly became very sleepy. I was sleepy as well, because it was a really, really long day today - so I didn't realise that his whole body had gotten quite loose-limbed.
Somewhere around N. Square, I realised that his head was very loose, and rolling around his shoulders. I know that sometimes when you're tired, you fall asleep and your whole body gets loose and rolls around. However, if you're in the window seat, you generally tend to lean against the window/frame right? Or at least, brace your shoulder on it so that you won't end up sleeping on your seat partner's shoulder.
This guy started leaning towards me, and so I generally edged away from him when he did that. He would occasionally "wake up" and flex his fingers, but there was absolutely no attempt to move away from the edge of my seat and lean towards the window. So he continued his rolling, and I continued to edge away from his seat, until his head just kept invading my personal/private space over and over. No attempt to "wake" himself up now.
The final straw came when his hand "accidentally" fell onto the seat beside my knee/thigh. I turned to his ear (which was RIGHT BESIDE MY MOUTH as I turned), and SHOUTED "HEY!" at him - twice.
For those of you who don't know me, when I shout, I really Shout, so this was not a minor shout.
But this bastard, after two such "HEY!" shouts, was still sleeping, so I hit his shoulder, and then shoved rest of his body back into his side of the shared seat.
For those of you who don't know me, when I hit guys, it's an affectionate gesture, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
I hit this guy's shoulder and pushed him off, and then only he started to "come around", pretending to "wake up".
What really got my goat was that he looked at me and said very quietly, challenging me - "What."
I just told him very loudly for him to stay in his seat, and that he was sleeping. He just looked at me, shifted a little, and then turned away, while everyone was staring at him.
I didn't know if he was going to be one of those vindictive bitches who follows you home and harasses you for humiliating him in public, so I got off the bus when it came to Sin Ming and changed buses.
This whole incident made me really angry - I might have hauled him to the police station if I had the energy, but after a full day's overseas training (had to go to Indonesia for a day) I really don't, so I didn't. It made me angry because I think, were I to haul this guy's ass to a police station and report him for molest, I don't have a case. I think the molest has to actually occur before the police report can be made - which is absolute crap, of course. In the meantime, all women will just have to suffer through many, many near-molests by perverts and sickos. So much for equality.
I'm not a shrinking violet by any definition of the term, and my friends all think I'm some species of ball-buster when I give guys a hard time for flaunting their dicks, but somehow, this incident still made me a little shaken and feeling a little violated. Why is that?!
Too damned angry/sleepy to edit this post. I hate men. And this coming just after meeting some nice guys at weddings!
I hate guys who try to molest you on the bus. I got on the 980, and was sitting on the aisle seat, and this guy was seated in his window seat, perfectly awake. I got on at the Little India bus stop, and somewhere along the KK Hospital stop, he suddenly became very sleepy. I was sleepy as well, because it was a really, really long day today - so I didn't realise that his whole body had gotten quite loose-limbed.
Somewhere around Novena Square, I realised that his head was very loose, and rolling around his shoulders. I know that sometimes when you're tired, you fall asleep and your whole body gets loose and rolls around. However, if you're in the window seat, you generally tend to lean against the window/frame right? Or at least, brace your shoulder on it so that you won't end up sleeping on your seat partner's shoulder.
This guy started leaning towards me, and so I generally edged away from him when he did that. He would occasionally "wake up" and flex his fingers, but there was absolutely no attempt to move away from the edge of my seat and lean towards the window. So he continued his rolling, and I continued to edge away from his seat, until his head just kept invading my personal/private space over and over. No attempt to "wake" himself up now.
The final straw came when his hand "accidentally" fell onto the seat beside my knee/thigh. I turned to his ear (which was RIGHT BESIDE MY MOUTH as I turned), and SHOUTED "HEY!" at him - twice.
For those of you who don't know me, when I shout, I really Shout, so this was not a minor shout.
But this bastard, after two such "HEY!" shouts, was still sleeping, so I hit his shoulder, and then shoved rest of his body back into his side of the shared seat.
For those of you who don't know me, when I hit guys, it's an affectionate gesture, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
I hit this guy's shoulder and pushed him off, and then only he started to "come around", pretending to "wake up".
What really got my goat was that he looked at me and said very quietly, challenging me - "What."
I just told him very loudly for him to stay in his seat, and that he was sleeping. He just looked at me, shifted a little, and then turned away, while everyone was staring at him.
I didn't know if he was going to be one of those vindictive bitches who follows you home and harasses you for humiliating him in public, so I got off the bus when it came to Sin Ming and changed buses.
This whole incident made me really angry - I might have hauled him to the police station if I had the energy, but I really don't, so I didn't. It made me angry because I think, were I to haul this guy's ass to a police station and report him for molest, I don't have a case.
I think the molest has to actually occur before the police report can be made - which is absolute crap, of course. In the meantime, all women will just have to suffer through many, many near-molests by perverts and sickos. So much for equality.
Too damned angry/sleepy to edit this post. I hate men. And this coming just after meeting some nice guys at weddings!
An artist whom I've bookmarked is currently working on a storyboard of some movie, and it's been extremely fascinating how detailed storyboards are - I am not sure if all storyboards are meant to be this detailed, but I'm not complaining because I'm finding the whole process fascinating, from an artistic and storytelling and filmaking point of view(s). Go see twirlynoodle's art!
One exam down, one to go (for this semester). Can breathe, but barely. My personal life's administration is so backlogged that I spent 5 hours clearing up church and other life/paperwork/stuff, and therein lies a whole new level of Ag.Gra.Va.Tion.
1) Why, oh why, oh why, can we NOT use scotch-tape, nor masking tape, nor blue-tack, nor white-tack, nor lousy stick glue to stick up stuff on the wall? Why do we have to use bloody expensive 3M white tags for a 4-day camp? Trust me, our masking tape is of so low quality that stuff will start falling off half an hour after we stick them up. 2) Why, oh why, oh why can we NOT put up signs and decorations now? If the church has a wedding, tough luck; it's a CHURCH, we're having a childrens' camp, deal with it. The camp's in TWO WEEKS, just bleeding suck it up already. 3) Church Igor: Leave my decor kids alone! They just wanted to paint banners!
I need to lie down.
(on a happier, more mysterious note: there's something happening within the next month or so on this blog! And ONLY on this blog! I'm excited! Stay tuned!)
While we're so happy to go on collecting the billions of cards that are out there, technology pundits and industry analysts are only just realising that the problem with these cards is that they're always "on"; you can't switch them off. Some experts have suggested that one may build a card holder made out of (and I kid you not) aluminium foil to prevent these cards from automatically being activated every time they're near a point-of-transaction, but apart from being slightly weird, it's just a stop-gap measure, not a long term one.
Contactless cards are here to stay - as is RFID, as is fingerprinting and as is iris recognition. The benefits and ease of transaction is enormous when the technology is used correctly, but they're a complete bitch when your identity gets stolen - as any watcher of Minority Report or Alias can attest. So limit your exposure to people who want your bioidentity - yes Citibank, I'm looking at you - and stick with the "low tech" technology for now. The market's playing with fire, and someone needs to get burnt with fourth degree burns before real safety measures are put in place.
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<tr valign="top" bgcolor="#990000" class="subtitle" > <td align="right"><br><br><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperreality" target="_blank" title="Opens another window into wikipedia entry for 'Hyperreality'">looking for baudrillard, boorstin, or eco?</a> </td>
<tr valign="top" bgcolor="#990000"> <td><br><div align="center" class="Title"><a href="http://www.hyperreality.blogspot.com" title="go to lpsd v3.3. Version numbers change when I write completely new templates. Modifying templates gets a change in one decimal point.">little pink soap dinosaur v3.3</a></div> <div align="center" class="smalltitle">Dead in sin | Saved by grace | Living in hope | Walking by faith | Surviving on a prayer<br><br><br></div> </td>
<tr valign="top" bgcolor="#990000"> <td align="center" class="latin"><a href="http://www.gotquestions.org/sola-scriptura.html" target="_blank" name="opens an entry explaining these mysterious latin phrases...">sola scriptura + sola gratia + solus Christus + sola fide + sola Deo gloria +</a></td>
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<!-- START ABOUT SIDEBAR SECTION --> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <p class="BlogSidebarTitle">+ about +</p> <p class="BlogSidebar" align="right">F/26/travaillant et<br>étudiant à temps partiel<br> <img src="http://services.nexodyne.com/email/icon/HwSmgDFQ%2BsbqgVIq/amRwYk0%3D/R01haWw%3D/0/image.png" border="0"></p> <br> </td> </tr> <!-- END ABOUT SIDEBAR SECTION -->
</p> <br> </td> </tr> <!-- END YouthDevelopment SIDEBAR SECTION -->
<!-- START PlacesToGo SIDEBAR SECTION --> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <p class="BlogSidebarTitle">+ before i die +</p> <p class="BlogSidebar" align="right"> Lake Tahoe<br> Teach ESL<br> Borobudor<br> Laos<br> Boro Boro<br> Cambodia (Ankor Wat)<br> Taj Mahal<br> Great Ocean Road<br> CERN<br> RAND<br> Maldives<br> Christmas Island<br> See a penguin in the wild<br> (list will grow longer as I recall)<br> </p> <p class="BlogSidebar" align="right"> <img src="http://www.world66.com/community/mymaps/worldmap?visited=VAFRCHNLCNMYEGDEJPITUSNZLUAUVNUKTHPHSGID" width="200"><br/> <a href="http://www.world66.com/community">make ur own map!</a> </p> <br> </td> </tr> <!-- END PlacesToGo SIDEBAR SECTION -->
I think all that should be said about this has been said, in many wonderful ways on, by many different people. I don't have substantive to add to the debate on it; I just wonder if all the drama has propelled her into superstardom in her school, especially within the quarters who DO hold similar views of how the "lower class" should be treated.
I'm not from RJC, but I do have friends who hail from there, and while the majority of Rafflesians are gorgeous, wonderful people, I do know of a handful who do actually thumb their noses down at those caught in structural unemployment, or who have missed the "entry point" into the Singapore system.
As much as I despise her post, her philosophy in life, her non-apology, and her FATHER's views and non-apology on the whole affair (he should step down, his political career's over anyway), I think it's really good that this debate has emerged at a time like this - the current system of so-called meritocracy works in principle, but a deeper understanding of the privilege cycle has to be obtained as we trundle merrily deeper into 2000+.
In my studies (exams coming up, sigh), I read about the development cycle, and how "modern" development aids that industrialised countries offer to third world countries exacerbates the poverty cycle through their policies. These policies, modelled and tailored for first world countries who have some form of equality when it comes to land ownership, are completely useless in third world countries, where land is owned by the (mostly corrupt) elite. Hence theat cycle starts: the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
The exact same thing is happening here, except that we're doing it to ourselves. It seems as if the first batch of meritocracy babies have climbed to their positions in life based on their own abilities, and have thus used their position in life to benefit their families and children. But that's when meritocracy stops, and the privilege cycle begins - ACCESS TO OPPORTUNITIES open up to children of the privileged, and just after one generation, the playing ground is no longer even. It's a cycle that we've started - one created by Singaporeans for Singaporeans, and we should have the stones and the political will to create new amendments for a new generation.
Whither the lower income father who cannot read English, and thus misses out on the large scholarship bumper issue newspaper that comes out by The Straits Times? Whither the single mother who has to work three jobs just to keep her rented flat, and has no time to see her MP for help with electrical bills? Whither the desperate man who committed suicide with only $16 in his pocket, apologising to his wife about his inability to support her and their child?
We need to do some serious thinking on how to (1) create more access to opportunities for everyone [education system, educator training], (2) ensure fair and equitable treatment for the selection of scholars/"the elite", (3) channel more government money (and not just rely on VWCs) into the creation of bursary grants and in-need education grants, (4) create some way for the "elite" schools to be trained in emphathy... as stupid as that sounds, it needs to be done.
It's so strange how this topic evolved in my life - earlier in the year, I organised a reunion for my secondary school batch, and we were talking about the exact same thing, except that we were (without arrogance, I swear!) congratulating ourselves on how the school had trained us to relate to the heartlanders, while still equipping us with the skills to behave in higher society. (There was, of course, some rolling of eyes at certain other girls schools who did not have that same upbringing, but well, it's a school reunion, so you have to expect some form of school patriotism rearing its head.) I've also encountered it in my work in youth development in Singapore, and elitism was a huge topic when we allowed the youth free reign to talk about issues which they thought close to their hearts.
We need to do something about it.
ETA: Dammit, I should REALLY read the papers before blogging about current events. Chua Mui Hong has said exactly the same things in her Straits Times article today (Insight, p. 37), except with much better language and more clarity. I suppose I can derive some pleasure in knowing that I'm not just thinking out of my behind on this issue.
It's none of my business, and it makes no difference in most of my life's mundane workings, but I'm really, really, REALLY happy and relieved that Britney's divorced Kevin. It was like this blight in the middle of the entertainment-music scene, in the middle of other happier news like Gwen Stefani, Christina A. and Chris Martin all happily hitched to less disastrous counterparts.
How could I kiss you just once? Unless I could kiss you once and make it last forever, I think I’d rather not know what I was missing. - from Disaster, See also, Remus J Lupin, lovelife of
The 'net's mostly full of crap, but there are times when you discover pure, unadulterated mush that's full of chocolate. I was in the mood for chocolate tonight, and this line is one of those piles of mush I discovered. Yum.
The working/studying/church trio is killing me. I'm finding myself increasingly short-tempered with people who ask me to do things, and I'm finding it harder to take criticism from anyone. Just today in church, I was asked why my songs (I was songleading today) were in such high keys, and I saw red so fast that I couldn't meet this guy's eyes, I just said "hmm..." and walked away really quick, just in case I completely lost it and yelled at him (and he's a middle-aged guy who's my friend's dad and I've known him all my life!)
I've always had a short fuse, and stupid people - especially wilfully stupid people - annoy the hell out of me, but the nonexistent length of my current fuse is really starting to freak me out. I'm really afraid that I've lost all perspective on things because I feel so frustrated from the lack of time to myself in my life.
I normally pull my weight or more during group assignments, but the amount of work that I've put into this paper due tomorrow (Monday) has left me feeling very upset - mainly because I haven't done much of anything at all! I thought that I would get to do my share of the work, considering that there's only two of us in the group, but my groupmate did almost EVERYTHING for this 15 page essay!
Sure, he left me three pages to fill, but after I filled them, he not only went through it with a fine-toothed comb (at 2:30 am in the morning!), correcting everything from my logic to my grammar (one mistake only, thank goodness), he also said that three pages was a little too much for my section!
I know that most people won't have much of a problem doing less work than usual, but this isn't the way that I'm wired, especially when it comes to group project. Y'all will laugh, but I feel physically ill.
You know how there's always joys in life despite mounting fears of not being able to finish term papers due on Monday? While your fears might not be as specific as mine (Monday's term paper is on sex education in Singapore, and oh! how crap it is - both sex ed and the term paper), I'm sure you all know the joys of traumatising someone who's just so traumatise-able.
Here's Jolie and I, completely traumatising Mich with our chipmunk rendition of the Teriyaki Boyz's Tokyo Drift. It's a damned annoying song, but it's still fun and has its uses. Bonus: you don't have to know how to sing to, uh, sing it.
I wonder if you know How they live in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
I like my work, my boss, my colleagues, my workplace, my workplace kitchen, and I semi-like my workplace computer. Only "semi" because apparently I cannot be given full admin rights to the system, so when I try to do something challenging like install or upgrade software for flash or try using something that plays sibelus files, I get stymied by the system.
Hey, but the green tea and oreos in the kitchen make up for the aggravation. :)
Kerry's an idiot for "misreading", and an idiot for thinking that the apology would suffice. You think that the public is that stupid to believe that you made a boo-boo? Send your own son to Iraq. It's like saying "don't fail your exams, or you'll end up in tsunami relief exercises in the SAF." Idiotic political suicide. America should stop telling other nations what to do and work on domestic policy - to weed out idiots and morons from its political system.
Have I gushed about my church youth decor team yet? I haven't, and I find that this lack must be rectified immediately.
They've been wonderful - working out of the extremely hot and only semi-sheltered 5th floor rooftop, using paintbrushes that could possibly be older than them, and making use of paints and poster colours which have been inherited from the first childrens' camp back in 2004! It's amazing what they've done already (regular progress reports are posted on the trbcyouth.blogspot.com blog), but my heart fairly bursts with pride when I see things like this:
This photograph, ladies and gentlemen, depicts fun and responsibility rolled in one. The riotous colours from the painting of crazy banners which make no sense when placed in the Singaporean context (moose and acorns?), coupled with the intertextual error "message" ... doesn't this look like a popup message on a computer screen?
I know I'm gushing, but I'm so proud of them! *feels old*
When you're painting pictures which are measured not by drawing block, but by mahjong paper (MJ), you get comments and conversations that go like this:
Joel and Xav's polar bear. (2x MJ) It took two guys 30 minutes to finish painting it. Claws are painted wrongly also.
Xav: "Haha! It's a dirty polar bear!" Joel: "Ya lor! Ya lor!" Xav: "Paint the nose red leh, Arctic very cold, so it caught a cold." Joel and SX : "=.= "
"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.
How masterful is this music coordination? This is one of my favourites (and I have many from The Corrs.) I first fell in love with them at "Runaway" (the lyrics which I scribbled in CK's coke book in Sec 3 or 4, only she thought it was by "The Cows" due to my writing the "r"s badly), and I have to say that they're still just as wonderful as they were back then. If I had to work with my relatives all day professionally, I think I'd kill myself.
If Andrea Corr can really sing like that with her legs crossed that tightly and her diaphragm all squished, she deserves all the adulation she gets.
While having a conversation with a friend, he made a comment that went something like "oh, we...uh... used to get it on, but now we're just good friends."
"Get it on" is such a vague term. I'm not sure what that means. I've read/heard/seen it being used numerous times, but always implying very different things, so I'm confused. It could be as innocent as "we used to go out chastely together", or it could mean "we used to go out together, wink wink, nudge nudge."
I don't think anyone has a definitive answer to this; I think it means different things to different people. Or maybe I'm too old to decipher all these new inter-textual phrases, which have now been remade into different images.
Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! [my life is a bit of a nightmare now though.] Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming!
Nights at Starbucks, Novena UNITED Square, are full of stories. eta: towelboy, you try blogging at 4am in the morning while writing an essay on no sleep. :)
Fun lah. Obviously not for the faint-hearted; I found myself wishing that the lawyers would make it more fun by actually doing the penalties instead of trying so hard to make their point. The point of the entire debate was NOT to win, the point was to have fun, which the media team did. The lawyers looked like a cross between being constipated and trying to have fun because their mothers told them so.
mrbrown was the chairperson, and I hope he had fun. He didn't look like he was having fun; could have been his deadpan expression.
One thing which spoilt the whole entire evening was the utter shocking rudeness of the 4th speaker on the panel for the media team. Mainly because he shouted, extremely seriously "SHADDAP!" twice in the session. You know how people sometimes say "oh shut up!" in a blase manner, and you know they don't mean it? He was deadly serious. First to the timekeeper, Sandy, who was just doing her job as she rang in his time to wrap up, and next to some other member of the audience for daring to raise a point about Singaporeans while he was caucasian.
He also said it in the exact manner that I wrote it - not "shut up", but "shaddap". Poor showing, that. If I were adjudicating, he would have gotten negative points for style, completely nullifying Hamish Brown's brilliant posing, and then some. I think the entire audience was shocked to silence when he screamed at the poor timekeeper. Rude, just rude.
I saw kokokrunch bubble tea being advertised at the Sweettalk bubbletea shop outside Far East Plaza, and my mind immediately returned to this online discussion that Mich and I had on mixing cereal. I think that this kokokrunch bubble tea takes things a little too far though.
There are serious cereal rules, people! No mixing kokokrunch with froot loops, no mixing milo balls with honey stars, and definitely no bubble tea kokokrunch! No, not even "just ice-blended, no pearls what" ones!
Stuff I'd Like
Lake Tahoe
Borobudor Pyramids, Egypt
Boro Boro Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
Taj Mahal
Bali Great Ocean Road
Maldives to DIVE!
Great Barrier Reef to DIVE!
Christmas Island
See a penguin in the wild
Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil